Since most of the advice you seem to be getting is about equipment, let me do something completely different.
Take a good read at these, and that should give you a good idea of what is involved.

Straight Razor Place Wiki:Books/Beginners Guide - Straight Razor Place Wiki

I don't think that it is extremely important which particular option you pick for your tools, once you know what's important and what isn't you can make your own informed choice.

I'd say get a good soap/cream and spend half an hour to an hour making lather over and over so that you get the hang of it. The 99c williams mug soap works well, but since soaps/creams last such a long time, and you're trying to deal with skin problems, this part really is the wrong one to nickel&dime. I actually have never used castle forbes cream, but I believe it's really good one, if that's what you like (i also thought that straightrazordesigns carries the line, so if you're ordering a razor and strop from them, may be more convenient and a bit cheaper to get the cream with the same order).