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  1. #1
    Best Styptic Penmenship BAR NONE porridgeorange's Avatar
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    Default Shave Den Exorcism????

    Hello Gents,
    Had a bit of a strange experience and was wondering if anyone could shed some light unto what might be happening. So here's the scenario:
    I normally shave at night so that I have time to work a couple passes with the straight without looking at the clock, but last night was a long on at work so I woke up looking at 2-3 days growth. I took a hot shower, oiled and lathered (rubbing in one helping of lather with my hands before anything else) and went at it for a WTG pass. Nothing out of the ordinary, got a nick below the nose where my angle was "aggressive". I finished up with an ATG pass using my DE and it was all good. Looking and feeling smooth I rinsed with ice cold water and applied some witch hazel. After I dried I gave the Nivea sensitive skin AS a try and called it a shaving success. Here comes the strange part....after breakfast I went back to shave den, still feeling good, and applied some Nivea sensitive skin face lotion (its cold in Boston). Almost immediately I started bleeding from just about every pore on me left cheek and a large are of my neck...not ER worthy bu enough to freak out just a little. Another rinse with cold water, more witch hazel and some styptic later and everything was back to normal (except for some redness).
    What happened there? I didn't cut myself certainly not in every spot that was bleeding....and the lotion application was at least 30 minutes removed from the shave...
    Should I call a priest?

    Last edited by porridgeorange; 02-03-2011 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #2
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Do you always finish up with a DE or was that something out of the ordinary? This can be from couple of different things, maybe your angle overall was agressive, too much pressure, etc.

    Stretching too little may be an issue too.
    Next time try to do WTG and XTG pass with the straight only and see how it goes.

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  4. #3
    Best Styptic Penmenship BAR NONE porridgeorange's Avatar
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    When I shave at night I usually only use the DE for clean up. But I'm not sure that was it since the shave felt and looked just fine. Is it possible that I "exfoliated" a bit too much but the witch hazel tightened things up. Then the application of lotion 30 minutes later caused the pores to open (First time I applied that lotion after shaving since I usually shave at night)??? Perhaps it's possible but wouldn't I have felt at least a little razor burn right after the shave?

    I'll stick to WTG and XTG with the straight as you suggested. Should I swear of lotion on shave days or might this be just a freaky coincidence?
    Last edited by porridgeorange; 02-03-2011 at 02:24 PM.

  5. #4
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    All I do for my skin before a shave is take a shower and face lather with the brush. For an aftershave I just splash cold water on my face and after a few minutes use a moisturizer for your face, something natural, I don't use aftershave products because they always seem to be painful for me throughout the day.

  6. #5
    Stultstastic Stultstastic's Avatar
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    i think you should just call a priest, after all DE does stand for "Devil's Edge" doesn't it.

    sorry, I guess this post is really of zero value


  7. #6
    Best Styptic Penmenship BAR NONE porridgeorange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stultstastic View Post
    sorry, I guess this post is really of zero value
    I beg to differ! That was a comment of HIGH Comedic value. I think your right, between my Devil's Edge and my WITCH Hazel..I'm pretty sure my shave den is chock full of the ghost of blood letting barber-surgeons! PAGING FATHER MERRIN...FATHER MERRIN????

  8. #7
    Vintage Scent shop clerk Leon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by porridgeorange View Post
    Father Merrin? This would be a case for the late great Father Mayii

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  10. #8
    Best Styptic Penmenship BAR NONE porridgeorange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    Father Merrin? This would be a case for the late great Father Mayii

    Duly Noted!

  11. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What happened is you got some strange irritation which was like this pin point nicking which was so small it didn't really bleed but when you went over it later you irritated it some more and that started the bleeding.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  13. #10
    ace is offline
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    When I first got to this forum, I had no idea what a weeper was. Now I know. Yours probably resulted from a little more pressure than you should have applied in your effort to touch up and get close with the DE. Weepers don't have to be immediately apparent. I've had them arise a full day later. Whenever they arise, they are almost always a result of applying too much pressure.

    A priest would tell you to back off on the pressure, say a few "Hail Marys", and tithe more.

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