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Thread: Beginners Tips: Feb 2011

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Arrow Beginners Tips: Feb 2011

    Were going to have a bit of fun this month...

    One of the biggest questions I see in my PM box as a restorer, and on the forum is this..

    I found this razor on/in/at *** can it be restored????

    First we always recommend that either you wait about 6 months before shopping on e-bay or until you don't have to ask that question

    But for those that jump straight into the deep end here are some tips...

    I was actually shopping e-bay this past weekend for a razor specifically for a beginner... One of the guys here at work has decided to take the full plunge after I let him try it 2 weeks ago...

    First thing I look for is a good name razor of Quality steel I found a Kinfolks for him (A Case family blade)

    Here is the actual e-bay pic, the only one..

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    Here is what I looked at

    Name:  E-bay Info.jpg
Views: 2538
Size:  173.5 KB

    I snagged the razor for $9.99 add shipping, and he is in it $15.95

    Some points:
    See the rust??? see the red in the rust??? that tells me that it is active and most likely not too deep.. The black spots that some people refer to as "Patina" is normally "Devils Spit" and runs deep into the steel..

    The general rule for me is
    Shine = Woooohooooo Baby!!!!
    Grey = Good
    Red = Work
    Black = Oh Crap a ton of work !!!

    Look at the edge and spine I won't buy anything that is showing more than 1mm of wear I look for even wear if it is there at all...
    Note the toe/point is it worn??? uneven???
    Note the heel to edge relationship is it even??? is there a hook honed into it
    Note the pivot, rust??? cracks??? pins???

    Here is the same razor broken down on my bench

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    Name:  IMG_1773.jpg
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    It needs a bit of cleaning and polishing, now I did this on my buffers -BUT- this razor could have been done by hand with wet-r-dry sandpaper in 1-2 hours of work and would look as good..

    The scales were cleaned up with 400 grit sandpaper then re-polished with Blue Magic by hand.. The washers were cleaned on the 400 grit too so was the wedge..

    And here are the cleaned up parts...

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    Name:  IMG_1776.jpg
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    I will post the finished pics after work tonight, just a bit more hand polishing on the blade, on the wedge, and perhaps a touch of blue paint in the lettering still.. then re-pin and hone...

    Hope this helps a bit when looking for used razors....

    As always please feel free to add any tips or hints that might help the newer guys, especially you senior members and restorers
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-11-2011 at 10:57 PM.

  2. The Following 39 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    650Stew (07-07-2012), 8BallAce (02-12-2011), ace (02-12-2011), AFDavis11 (02-11-2011), BanjoTom (02-11-2011), BigJim (02-14-2011), BrickBag (02-11-2011), cessnabird (02-11-2011), chay2K (02-11-2011), Chevhead (03-17-2013), Chreees (03-30-2013), ColonelG (11-06-2013), CraigC (01-14-2013), DoughBoy68 (03-14-2017), Durhampiper (02-11-2011), eddy79 (05-17-2015), geekinsyde (03-03-2011), Havachat45 (06-20-2011), hornm (02-11-2011), JBHoren (11-13-2013), kwlfca (04-29-2013), leadduck (02-11-2011), LordBlah (03-30-2013), Lynn (02-11-2011), markdfhr (10-31-2011), Maxi (02-11-2011), mittjere85 (03-07-2011), NewellVW (05-17-2015), ofelas (02-11-2011), onimaru55 (02-12-2011), porridgeorange (02-11-2011), richmondesi (02-11-2011), Shoki (02-11-2011), Shuriken (02-12-2011), skyguy (05-19-2011), str8fencer (05-07-2011), Sunbird (04-05-2011), TaipeiJake (05-18-2015), Vivar (05-07-2011)

  3. #2
    Can't never did nothin!!! coldcut's Avatar
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    I would love to get into restoring razors!!... My O.C.D. would love me for it!!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to coldcut For This Useful Post:

    Maxi (02-11-2011)

  5. #3
    Member darklife's Avatar
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    gssixgun, can you tell me, what are you using for polishing blade? Only wet-r-dry sandpaper, or finishing with some polishing paste?

  6. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darklife View Post
    gssixgun, can you tell me, what are you using for polishing blade? Only wet-r-dry sandpaper, or finishing with some polishing paste?

    that thread should explain the process I use, but this blade has not gone that whole route, it doesn't need all that...

  7. #5
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Nice work G-man. I love me some Kinfolks -- the Blue Steel Special is one of my favorite shavers currently.

  8. #6
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    As always please feel free to add any tips or hints that might help the newer guys, especially you senior members and restorers
    I've got a good one I picked up from Lynn - send all your old and badly worn wedges to glen

    nice job glenjaman!

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    richmondesi (02-11-2011)

  10. #7
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    LOL. This post was made for me.

  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Fabulous, Glen

    One more in a long line of priceless 'how to's. Thank You so much for generously sharing.

  12. #9
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Thanks to Glen for a great post with some very helpful information. The only thing I would add is regarding the color of the blade. I've noticed that many eBay don't know how to photograph blades and what often looks like a black razor is really a fairly bright blade in bad lighting. If you're looking at a razor that otherwise looks OK, I'd recommend contacting the seller for more information.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to leadduck For This Useful Post:

    Durhampiper (02-11-2011), gssixgun (02-11-2011)

  14. #10
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    Great post! That razor cleaned up well, nicely done!

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