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Thread: HHT

  1. #1
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    Default HHT

    I bought my razor and strop from straight razor design. Brand new it wouldn't peform the hht. Even after stropping it still won't cut a hanging hair. The razor shaves my face good, I think, but since this is my first razor, should I be trying to achieve to get my razor to peform a hht? Is it possible that I could be getting a better shave if the razor was sharper? I mean how sharp can a straight razor get?

  2. #2
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    If you purchased the razor from SRD then you have a shave ready razor. The HHT is a guidline for testing a razor. Everyone has different hair that can skew the results of the test. So look at it this way, if you get good shaves off the bat you have got a good edge on it. But if you aren't satisfied send it back and ask them if they could take a look at it for you.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to wmac For This Useful Post:

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  4. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    To the OP where did you get the idea that the HHT means anything to anybody except the person who honed the razor ...maybe?????

    I am interested to know that, being as you are pretty new to the hobby...

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    To the OP where did you get the idea that the HHT means anything to anybody except the person who honed the razor ...maybe?????

    I am interested to know that, being as you are pretty new to the hobby...
    Yes I am new and I looked over this forum and other info about straight razors on the web...I saw several videos about a hht and because I am new at this I assumed it meant that every straight razor user strived to achieve a sharpness to do a hht. I am NO WAY saying that I got a bad razor, the razor shaves my face well. Just trying to learn all I can.
    Last edited by terryearp; 03-04-2011 at 04:30 AM.

  6. #5
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    Somebody else may be able to get the HHT to pass on that same razor. They might have thicker hair than yours. My hair is thin, so I can not get any razor sharpened by anybody to pass the HHT with a strand of my hair. As was already said, if you get a good shave, you have a sharp enough razor. If you search the forum, you will find that the only true test of a razor being shave ready is the shave test. I am learning as well and there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum. And, believe me, no question is stupid.

  7. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Oh no problem it was something I was curious about because this forum has experienced huge growth over the last few years, and one of the things that we have continually tried to squash, is that myth of the HHT, but it seems to persist.
    There are several threads about the HHT on here but the very few things everyone agrees on is that the HHT is for the people who hone razors, and even then only after developing it into a semi-reliable test for that person ... The other thing is that the HHT is in no way a test for testing the shave worthiness of the edge, only the shave test can do that...
    If it shaves yer fine, other than that leave the HHT for when you start learning to hone, if at all...
    Thanks for the info, and welcome to SRP...

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  9. #7
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    +1 on what has already been said. I have purchased a few shave ready razors from both members here and SRP's sponsors and let me say that none of them pass the HHT with my hair, but guess what? They all give excellent shaves as the shave test is really the only test that matters. Since you purchased your razor from SRD, then you have a shave ready razor that probably couldn't be honed to be any sharper. So just relax, lather, and enjoy the shave.
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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to ReardenSteel For This Useful Post:

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  11. #8
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    thanks for all the input! I'm glad I asked the question. Now I know that I'm not doing my stropping wrong.

  12. #9
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    one of the things that we have continually tried to squash, is that myth of the HHT, but it seems to persist.
    I'm tellin' ya... Flashing banner on the front page!

    terryearp: I am by no means picking on you here. I'm glad you asked the question, and I wish you the best of luck with your shaving!

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  14. #10
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    The problem is that the shaving test is not objective as believed, but highly subjective.
    This is the reason why many straight shavers, and especially newbies, are looking for a more objective manner to judge the quality of the edge. Most straight shavers had the query in their first shaves: “Was this poor quality shave due to a problem of my razor, or due to a problem of my technique?”. And many of us have wondered: “Is this the best shave this razor can give me, or there is more?”.

    The HHT many not be answering these questions, however it is logical for straight shavers to search for a test other than the shave test.

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to Slur For This Useful Post:

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