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  1. #11
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    The Hague, the Netherlands
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    I just mock shaved to see how I do that, and I too block sight of my goatee while shaving my cheek. I don't mind, I simply shave part of my goatee with the heel in that pass. Then again, I think you leave the goatee and I don't?

  2. #12
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    This is in another beginners thread, it's interesting how he starts out. Its also interesting how he uses his hands for the 'opposite' side of his face!

    I've tried and tried to be able to use my left hand but it just doesn't work for me!

    Now my son, when he took up the art at 17 could easily use both hands!

    Please keep in mind that like everything else about this art, it's mostly personal preference. What works well for one may not work at all for someone else!!

    I do agree to just stick to the with the grain until you have that pretty much mastered. When I first started out a few years ago, that's what i did, and then did my second pass the same as the first and got pretty good results. Do I still shave this way, No, but I did stick with it until I was comfortable and getting good results and then I moved to across the grain, and finally against the grain.

    Stick with it, it'll come, it just takes time and patience!!

    Chimensch's Shaving Video - YouTube

  • #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    lodi ca.
    Thanked: 3


    i have quite a long goatee and i have difficulty trying to position my hands because of the sight issue . i have started to use the razor straight with the scales and cut inwards towards the side of my goatee holding the razor much more towards the hinge at the scales with the same hand as the side of my face. plus i use rubberband to "ponytail" the goatee. unorthodox maybe but, trying to use the heel and come downwards i have taken a sizable chunk from the side .
    Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
    Big Lebowski

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