As I've mentioned in another thread I will be going to Paris in May and will be picking up a TI as my second razor (souveneer as well).

Now my dilemna is what to do about my 1st razor, I dont want to spend as much on it as I will spend on the TI.

As of right now I think I've narrowed it down to the DOVO brand. The Dovo Special or the Bismark. I would still like to keep it below what these two razors cost but.......................

I thought about used but so far no luck. My barber acutally gave me a straight razor to try/keep if I like it but I'm too afraid to use it looks pretty beat, and the He also gave me a Boss Barber Hone (hes a really nice guy).

I will post pictures tomorrow and let you guys have a go at them let me know if its worth saving.

Let me know if I should just suck it up and purchase A Dovo, or any other less expensive suggestions would be appreciated.