Sounds like you're doing great and on the path to becoming an shaving pro! The alum block was something I wasn't familiar with either, but it's a dream come true! I just wet it like a bar of soap and rub it on my face! Be warned that it may sting at first, but it's a good sting. It's really good for cuts, or what I sometimes do is just rub it on my upper lip (moustache area) and chin to help seal the pours and prevent any zits or anything from breaking out (which sometimes happens to me if I am super clean shaven and touching my face all the time)!

As far as shaving against the grain, it WILL come. Don't rush it. I just finished my 16th shave today, and I only do PARTIAL ATG passes. I have found that PARTS of my neck I can go ATG, but when I try to do it under my chin, it just pulls like crazy so I stop. No sense in making an otherwise perfect shave into something awful because I'm trying to force something that just won't happen.

With each shave, you get more confident in tackling different angles, and from my experience, one of those angles eventually works out best and you get the close shave you've been striving for.

Keep it up!