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  1. #1
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    Default New Razor from SRD

    Ok so I got my first razor from SRD a Dovo best. It was honed by SRD so it is shave ready. I plan on shaving with ot tonight. Should I strop it before or is it totally ready to go? Do I have to clean or do something to the brush ot is brand new as well.

    Thanks for your help guys.

  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    You do not need to strop it the first time before you shave with it, just wipe the oil off the blade and you're good to go. If you're new to shaving with a straight razor, one area most new users lack is that of proper stropping technique. If done wrong, you could potentially roll or damage the shave ready edge, or nick your strop, which is bound to happen at some point. We all have done that at sometime or other. There are a lot of good videos to be found here on proper stropping technique you should watch if have not done so already. I think your brush will be fine, just let it soak in hot water for 5-10 minutes before making your lather. Let us know how your shave turns out. Good luck.
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 04-14-2011 at 01:27 AM. Reason: typo

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to ReardenSteel For This Useful Post:

    nycexit2 (04-14-2011)

  4. #3
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    Since you bought it at SRD the best advice is NO, don't strop it first time, Lynn A. is the one who honed it and his advice is usually to just carefully wipe the camilia oil off the blade and enjoy!! The next time you shave you should however carefuly strop and razor, go slow, just one pass, WTG [With The Grain] only until you gain more accuracy with the blade in your hand. Most people will take hot water and any good shampoo and give a new brush a good scrub up[cleaning]. The best advice for Newb's[you] as far as lather making?? go to the WIKI section on this site and find the link to the Badger and Blade method, it still works for me after 2 years of experimenting on my part.
    And its always a good, no, great idea to stretch your skin while you stroke with the razor. Closer shave in most of the opinions of people on this site as I have read over time.

    And above all else, enjoy!! Take your time, no distractions, and the right music doesn't hurt either!

    Sincerely, tinkersd of SRP!

  5. #4
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    Thanks man

    I have to say that this forum is the best I have ever seen. I have a couple of hubby's and am a member of a number of groups. From photography rc cars and cigars. This forum is by far the friendyst and the most outgoing. You guys are great!!!

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nycexit2 View Post
    Ok so I got my first razor from SRD a Dovo best. It was honed by SRD so it is shave ready. I plan on shaving with ot tonight. Should I strop it before or is it totally ready to go? Do I have to clean or do something to the brush ot is brand new as well.

    Thanks for your help guys.
    Just use it for the first shave perhaps two.

    At one time there was a package insert that explained that
    the razor had been honed, stropped and lightly oiled and that
    there was no need to strop it for the first and perhaps second
    shave. The reason is that they want you to enjoy a sharp edge
    right out of the box. Also it was too common for a beginner to
    dull the edge by stropping badly.

    When you do strop it, strop slow and deliberately with little
    or no pressure. Speed does not give a better edge when

    There are some good stropping tutorials and hints in
    the SRP WiKi. Youtube also has some good videos
    most of which show someone stropping way faster than

    Speed will come with practice but sharpness does not
    require speed so do not rush it.

    Lather well and have fun....

  7. #6
    Padawan Learner dewey81's Avatar
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    I was told pretty much the exact same things and my first shave was a success as far as first shaves are concerned. If you have sensitive skin I would definitly only go with grain for the first couple shaves. I've had four and only went with grain. My next shave I might get brave and go against......
    I'm a sucker for a stamped tail. Giggity.

  8. #7
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Good luck with that first shave!
    And remember, this takes a little time to do perfectly, so don't expect it to be superb the first time around.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  9. #8
    Senior Member Blademen's Avatar
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  10. #9
    Member bhorsoft's Avatar
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    Congratulations and welcome. Nope, don't strop it the first shave and go very careful and slow on subsequent stroppings. You will nick the strop. I have multiple times in my first couple of weeks. You will also most likely nick your face. The guy I bought my first shave-ready straight included a styptic pencil as a freebie in the package. Shaves most likely won't be as close as you are used to and you'll probably have a bit of razor burn those first couple of shaves or so. Have some anti-burn product ready. Don't get discouraged and have fun learning a bunch of new skills.

  11. #10
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I would even go so far as to say don't strop it at all till you get the skills down using something else . Even a butterknife my save you some honing fees.
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