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  1. #1
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    Default Advice on what razor to use

    Ok guys, i have been shaving with a DE for a while, and i am gona soon move to a straight, i have 5 vintage straights sitting in my room now
    I know that i will have to have whichever one (or more than one) that i decide to learn with professionally honed

    i have another thread in the razor section that i posted pics of all of them here

    i was wondering, which should i get honed for learning?

    I am looking for advice for which and reasons why (ie: use this one because of blade type or quality)
    they will all eventually get honed or restored professionally as i get cash, but i have money for 1 maybe 2 right now
    so, which one?

  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    My choice for a beginner would be the black-scaled Torrey, primarily because of the round point. Round points can be easier for beginners to learn with and less intimidating.

  3. #3
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    that is one of the two that i had on my list for learning, the other was the new england manufacturing one (maple leaf on blade)
    i liked to torrey because my first straight was the other torrey (green handle) that someone gave me for free, i was hooked on the torreys (as a collector) after that.
    i didn't want to just pick one and have it not be a good one for starting, so i figured i would ask here
    can you recomend any of the members that do honing for me to use?
    or are most pretty good?

  4. #4
    Senior Member tekbow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    My choice for a beginner would be the black-scaled Torrey, primarily because of the round point. Round points can be easier for beginners to learn with and less intimidating.
    +1 i learned with a feather and moved up to a roundpoint solingen blade. much less blood on the top lip and chin

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyengineer View Post
    Ok guys, i have been shaving with a DE for a while, and i am gona soon move to a straight, i have 5 vintage straights sitting in my room now
    I know that i will have to have whichever one (or more than one) that i decide to learn with professionally honed

    i have another thread in the razor section that i posted pics of all of them here

    i was wondering, which should i get honed for learning?

    I am looking for advice for which and reasons why (ie: use this one because of blade type or quality)
    they will all eventually get honed or restored professionally as i get cash, but i have money for 1 maybe 2 right now
    so, which one?
    Looking at the previous post.
    Two razors are in good shape... the rest are
    "projects". Pick one of the two good ones and get
    it honed by one of the honemasters in the classified
    (look at the top of the page). Honing is inexpensive
    and a bargain. Repair and restoration adds up.

    You might ask for a guess-timate quote on the two
    better ones together (be specific) and save on postage.

    The rust needs to be buffed/ sanded out for sanitary
    reasons. You want clear steel on the blade so bacteria
    has no place to hide between shaves.

    The projects with sound scales can be cleaned up
    later... The razors with broken scales need to
    have the scales replaced which will add
    to the cost a little to a lot depending.

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