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Thread: Needs honing already

  1. #1
    Member KingsRam's Avatar
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    Default Needs honing already

    Two months of shaving with 8 shaves and my razor needs to be honed again. When I received it, it was shave ready and passed HHT. I guess my stropping technique needs some work because now it won't pass HHT and my God does it hurt to shave! I don't doubt the honemeister I bought the razor from, I'm just disappointed that I don't have a backup razor while I send this one out.

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I think you have correctly diagnosed the problem being your stropping. The lack of HHT is irrelevant but the painful shave says it all. Before sending it out, try CAREFULLY stropping 100 times on linen, canvas, whatever followed by 100 strokes on leather.

    What type of strop do you have?
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    +1 with Utopians comments. I would also point out, for the future at least, that shaving technique and beard prep will also be factors in edge longevity. As you gain more experience with both (and stropping) you'll notice your edges will last a lot longer. Remember to keep your angle low and watch the pressure; too much and it will chew up your edge (and your face).
    Last edited by Ryan82; 04-22-2011 at 09:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Can't never did nothin!!! coldcut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingsRam View Post
    Two months of shaving with 8 shaves and my razor needs to be honed again. When I received it, it was shave ready and passed HHT. I guess my stropping technique needs some work because now it won't pass HHT and my God does it hurt to shave! I don't doubt the honemeister I bought the razor from, I'm just disappointed that I don't have a backup razor while I send this one out.
    when I started out I bought a Shavette for when my straight was out so I could still keep in practice. They are only like $25. But with like all things I do I now have more razors then sense.

  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    "Two months of shaving with 8 shaves"? Is that all you have to shave, essentially a shave every week? If your razor has been resting that much, it brings me to wonder whether you protected the edge with some kind of oil during the time it was resting. If not, the edge easily could have oxidized, especially if kept in a bathroom environment.

  6. #6
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    To answer a few of the replies.

    I have a 3" Leather and Felt Strop from Star Shaving. I do 40 Felt 60 Leather pre shave and 30 felt 40 leather post shave.

    I had hoped that I could get more shaves before a touch up. I guess I'll need to invest in a barber's hone or some CrOx to extend the life of my edge.

    There's a big NO on putting oils on the blade, but I keep it in a separate bathroom from the showering.

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I know you said it hurts to shave but does it shave? If it doesn't I doubt stropping on cloth or leather will do much. You probably need actual honing. If it still shaves but is uncomfortable the cloth stropping just might work but it will take alot of strokes.
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  8. #8
    ace is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingsRam View Post
    To answer a few of the replies.

    I have a 3" Leather and Felt Strop from Star Shaving. I do 40 Felt 60 Leather pre shave and 30 felt 40 leather post shave.

    I had hoped that I could get more shaves before a touch up. I guess I'll need to invest in a barber's hone or some CrOx to extend the life of my edge.

    There's a big NO on putting oils on the blade, but I keep it in a separate bathroom from the showering.
    I think you should be getting more shaves before you have to touch up the blade. I'm on shave #10 or so with the blade I'm currently obsessing over, and it is every bit as sharp and shave ready as it was ten shaves ago.

    As for keeping it in a bathroom without at least oiling the edge, I think you're asking for complications. Any bathroom, whether or not you shower in it, is going to have a higher humidity level than the rest of the house. I keep my razors well away from any bathroom, and I oil the edges of all of them with mineral oil applied carefully with a Q-tip. Oxidation can attack the edge very quickly if it is not protected.

  9. #9
    Padawan Learner dewey81's Avatar
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    Hmmm I think I'm gonna have to start oiling my other razor from the way it sounds. Mineral oil works well?
    I'm a sucker for a stamped tail. Giggity.

  10. #10
    ace is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dewey81 View Post
    Hmmm I think I'm gonna have to start oiling my other razor from the way it sounds. Mineral oil works well?
    It works for me. I've used Vaseline petroleum jelly, but that can be a bit messy. Almost any oil on the edge is better than having it exposed to air
    and moisture. I've started using a Q-tip to apply it carefully, but may start using my fingertip and applying it in the direction of the edge to avoid
    friction and, of course, cuts. It really can't hurt.

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