Welcome to SRP!
Sorry to hear that your first experience wasn't all that great.
But you know what? That happened to most of us! At least it happened to me.

The things required for a good shave with a straight, in addition to quite a bit of practice are:

Good prepping of the beard.
This means properly washed and moistened hair and face.
Good lather.
This provides glide and cushion as well as help raise and moisten the whiskers.
A properly honed razor.

I know you said that you knew your way around hones.
The thing is, honing a razor is quite different from knifes.
Your stones sound like the right grit and progression though.

If I may suggest something to you:
Send your razor out and get it properly sharpened by a pro!
That way you wil know what to strive for when you try to deal with honing yourself, and you will be certain that your blade is as good as can be

It's good to see you have the right attitude and stamina for learning this wonderful skill.
I'm sure you will get great shaves in no time!

Keep at it and good luck!