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Thread: Safety razor first?

  1. #1
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    Default Safety razor first?

    Howdy y'all.

    I'm new here and asked this question in the new member introduction thread but thought I might get more traffic by posing this here.

    On one of my other forums (non-shaving) I posed a question about straight razor shaving and a few people strongly suggested that instead of using a straight razor, I should just get a safety razor. I just wanted to get your thoughts. I really like the idea of using a straight razor, I guess I'm just asking if you experienced types think I would be better served by using a safety razor first, or if I should just jump in and buy a straight edge?

  2. #2
    Just starting out MikeMN's Avatar
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    I am new, but right now I don't think it is such a bad idea. On the other hand, the safety razor is not much like a straight edge. In fact, I nicked myself more with one Safety razor than I did with the straight razor. But an advantage of going in stages is you can evaluate new variables one at a time. E.g., mixing your soap into a lather.

  3. #3
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    I would go for the SR if you're interested in it. What you are seeing is likely a more a factor of the number of guys who use safety razors, but think a straight is crazy. If you want to use a straight, there is no reason not to-- not much steeper a learning curve than a DE, if you've been using a cartridge or electric razor.

  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I use a straight for my face 99% of the time. I find it more fun and enjoyable.
    On my head I switch between DE's, Disposable straights and Straights.
    I like my DE's, they give a very good shave, close to what I get from a straight.
    One factor you would have to consider is the learning curve.
    Straights have a bit more of a learning curve.
    Once you have learned though, nothing beats a straight razor shave. IMO.

    Both systems require much the same when it comes to prep and products.
    If you start with the one, you'll be somewhat prepared for the other.

    Price is another issue. A DE can be had for a song, and blades aren't much either.
    Straights can be had for relatively low prices as well, but you would also have to get a strop and some sort of refreshing product, like a barber hone or a pasted strop.

    It may sound as I am recommending DE's here, I am not.
    But if you are to take on the straight, at least you should know what it takes!
    MikeMN likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    I can't think of a reason to use a safety razor first if you're interested in straights. I wish I could have back all those years of mediocre shaves from safety and electric razors. Think of all the guys who learned with a straight before there were other options. They just simply learned with what was available - no "training period". You'll find some threads here where some of our truly senior members say their dad just handed them a razor and a strop and said "here, son, you need to shave" with little or no instruction. You'll not be doing that because there is a wealth of information on this website that will make your journey into wet shaving with a straight razor a smooth ride.

    Jump on in, the water's fine


  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with having both. However, it should be noted that your straight razor shaving will only improve with practice and safety razors at this point might detract from adequate practice of straight razor skills. The bottom line is the only way to get good with a straight razor is to use one. Sure, there's a learning curve involved but if you dedicate yourself to converting to straights and shave with them every day, the learning curve is probably far shorter than you think.

    I myself started out as a safety razor shaver. After some brief "basic training" with a shavette I converted to straights no problem. Now, there's nothing wrong with safety razors, I've gotten some world class shaves with Gem Lather Catchers, various SE razors and a host of Gillettes BUT when it comes to way cool, maximum fun, safety razors are Honda Civics and straights are the 429 Shelby Cobra. My experience was that as I got better with straight razors, I just wanted to shave with them alot more than I did safety razors. These days, safety razors are used just about exclusively on my head. For face shaves however, 95% of the time I use a straight. If you want to shave with a straight razor, pay no attention to the alarmists, just dive in and get after it. You may have a rough week or so but after that you'll probably wonder where these things have been your whole life. Once you've mastered straights a safety razor or two for days when you sleep late (or if you're simply curious) wouldn't be a bad thing.
    The older I get, the better I was

  7. #7
    ace is offline
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    I would say that starting with a DE and moving gradually into straights is fine. Anything you do that facilitates using a straight, whether it be transitioning from a DE or using the DE every now and then when pressed for time, is acceptable. There's really no wrong way and a lot of right ways.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CenTech View Post
    Howdy y'all.

    I'm new here and asked this question in the new member introduction thread but thought I might get more traffic by posing this here.

    On one of my other forums (non-shaving) I posed a question about straight razor shaving and a few people strongly suggested that instead of using a straight razor, I should just get a safety razor. I just wanted to get your thoughts. I really like the idea of using a straight razor, I guess I'm just asking if you experienced types think I would be better served by using a safety razor first, or if I should just jump in and buy a straight edge?

    You did not tell us what you shave with now and
    how long you have been shaving.

    Straight razor shaving has two key parts:
    • open blade
    • wet shaving

    You can start wet shaving with a minimum investment
    (soap and brush) later you can select the shaver that matches your
    budget, face and lifestyle.

    So start wet shaving with a good shave soap and a brush.
    You can use a Double Edge razor or even a tossable razor
    while you learn the marvels of wet shaving and latherin'.
    For some that is enough... for some it is the beginning.

    The 'best' place to find a shave ready razor is the classified.
    Main Index - Straight Razor Place Classifieds
    You will also need a strop.

    The Wiki has good beginner pages:
    Straight Razor Place Wiki - Straight Razor Place Wiki

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    Quote Originally Posted by niftyshaving View Post

    You did not tell us what you shave with now and
    how long you have been shaving.

    I'm 28 and have been using a Gillette Fusion razor for the last several years. The gel I've been using has been the Neutrogena Men's Razor Defense stuff. I've switched to the Williams Shaving Mug soap and a badger hair brush for lather, but I'm still using my Fusion razor. I haven't been able to find Proraso (and haven't had time to get to the mall for the BBW version). I normally don't shave every day as my facial hair grows pretty slow and light at that. But since I started using a bowl/brush to make lather I've been shaving every day. Last night my face just burned, so I think I won't be shaving tonight. I''m still loaded up on Fusion cartridges for my current razor, so I'm going to stick with it until I get this whole lather thing down and get a straight razor. Eventually, when my cartridges run out, I'll probably get a safety razor for when I need to shave quickly. What's the benefit of a DE over a SE, or is there one?

  10. #10
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    With a DE in the start you will learn about prep, lather, angles and pressure.
    Straights are still something completely different, but you will have a better
    clue about what you are doing and a bit easier start on the long learning curve.
    Last edited by Svedge; 04-28-2011 at 07:37 PM. Reason: typo

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