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Thread: Beginners Tips: May 2011

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Beginners Tips: May 2011

    This is an on going series of Tips that I write each month based on questions that I see on the forum over the last 30 days or so.. If you use the Tag search or the Google search and type in "Beginners Tips: you should find over 1 years worth of these, and Yes some of them do touch on the same subjects, but I just follow the trends each month ...

    Ahhhhhh again and again and again we read the same thing from so many New Guys...

    "Is my razor sharp enough, I tried the HHT and it failed" or some other test...

    First off lets talk about the tests...

    I know everyone tries to quantify the sharpness of a Straight Razor with something other than the Shave Test... We have the TNT, TPT, AHT, HHT and a few others that people have come up with ..
    We have even had some guys try and build thread cutting machines because of the inconsistencies of these tests
    The bottom line is that all these tests are designed to inform the person honing a razor that it has reached certain levels, that lead up to the "SHAVE TEST" they really don't tell a New Guy anything and some of them actually damage the blade edge...
    These tests have to be developed to be of any use, for a person who is honing the razors...

    Now comes the real question, "What is the "Shave Test", and since I am new how do I know"

    That is a valid question because it is tough to know whether it is you or the razor that is failing

    The Shave Test:

    This does not mean shaving your whole face, it really doesn't, it means one simple stroke that tells you if the razor is performing as it should..

    The problem comes in with all the variables that occur with those first tentative strokes that a new guy takes so for a shave test let's try and eliminate as many as possible...

    Dominate side = Right handed - Right side of the face, opposite for the Lefties

    Make sure you have set everything up, that you have stropped if that is what the razor called for, or rinsed off the packing oil if that is what the Honemeister said...

    Get your lather ready as best as you possibly can muster up, YES it makes a difference...
    WET your face, really wet yer face, that is why we call it wet shaving...
    Lather up your whole face to make sure the lather feels right, now wait, keep waiting,,,, wait just a little longer,,,, at least 2 full minutes...
    Now take a wet hot washcloth or towel and place it over the lather wait for it almost go cool..
    Re-wet your face, re-lather,,, now take the razor start on the dominant side at your sideburn line and keeping the spine about 2 spine widths away from your face, do one stroke as smooth as possible, as confidently as possible, down to the jawline, Stop... feel that spot it should be surprisingly smooth now try the other side same stroke...

    Now you have done the best possible combination to eliminate all the variables to test the edge, you did not eliminate all of them, but you at least tried...

    Now if that didn't work, try it with all of the same extensive prep again the next day, if that still doesn't work then contact the guy that honed the edge... Now you have some info to talk about .

    So many new guys try and jump ahead from here, but honestly until you can't pass that simple shave test easily, then don't proceed any farther, it is either you or the razor, and if you can't do the easiest stroke then you will never be able to do the rest..

    The biggest problem is rushing into it, honest take yer time and enjoy yourself, if this was so easy, there would be no disposable razors at all

    I hope this helps a little, and as always I encourage the Senior Members to add to this, as many of us have slightly different views and the more info a New Guy has the better their start can be in this sport...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-18-2011 at 03:51 PM.

  2. The Following 20 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    ats200 (05-17-2011), BigJim (05-17-2011), Birnando (05-17-2011), BrickBag (05-17-2011), commiecat (05-17-2011), dadvest (05-17-2011), deadrift (05-17-2011), DLB (05-17-2011), Dunc (05-18-2011), dyimages (05-17-2011), LinacMan (05-19-2011), LoriB (05-18-2011), lz6 (05-17-2011), Maxi (05-17-2011), mjhammer (05-17-2011), porridgeorange (05-17-2011), silks (05-19-2011), str8fencer (05-17-2011), TheBaron (05-17-2011), thehekler (05-17-2011)

  3. #2
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Get your lather ready as best as you possibly can muster up, YES it makes a difference...
    WET your face, really wet yer face, that is why we call it wet shaving...
    Lather up your whole face to make sure the lather feels right, now wait, keep waiting,,,, wait just a little longer,,,, at least 2 full minutes...
    Now take a wet hot washcloth or towel and place it over the lather wait for it almost go cool..
    Re-wet your face, re-lather,,, now take the razor start on the dominant side at your sideburn line and keeping the spine about 2 spine widths away from your face, do one stroke as smooth as possible, as confidently as possible, down to the jawline, Stop... feel that spot it should be surprisingly smooth now try the other side same stroke...
    This is excellent advice for anyone about to put a straight edge against their skin for the first time! Thanks again for the monthly write-ups, G-man -- I will definitely be referring people to this specific quote.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to commiecat For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (05-17-2011)

  5. #3
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    Wish I had read something like this when I first started out. Not that it hasn't been written before and I'm sure will be repeated again to every newbie that posts "I tried to shave but my razor didn't work" but this is an especially well written and succinct post. This should be typed up and included in every razor any honemiester hones for a first time shaver.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to thehekler For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (05-17-2011)

  7. #4
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    Every time I open a thread I learn some new tricks... Thanks Glen!

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Dunc For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (05-18-2011)

  9. #5
    Some kind of Zombie BigJim's Avatar
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    This may seem painfully obvious to some, but having run across an instance or two where this happened, I want to add...

    When you shave your side-burn doing the shave test it should feel "Surprisingly Smooth" as Glen put it, only in the direction of hair growth. It won't feel Baby Butt Smooth AKA Smooth in all directions. You will have to shave in other directions (Across The Grain, Against The Grain) for a truly BBS experience, but if your blade is sharp, and your angle and pressure are correct (as detailed in many of Glen's other tips) you should get a "Work Ready" shave from that first stroke on the sideburns.

    I think some guys get some sort of mystical idea of what a straight will do the first time it touches their face and that leads to some of the disappointment and disillusionment they experience.

    As always, another great post of tips by Glen. Thanks!


  10. The Following User Says Thank You to BigJim For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (05-19-2011)

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