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  1. #1
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    Default Colorado Sage Cologne

    Seeking new relationship, feel I need the extra edge of this cologne I had had only one bottle of, never had any idea how hard it would be to find again, which I never was able. The producer at the time, circa 1980's, said it was only released at Xmas, still I couldn't find it anywhere.

    Best thing I ever wore, stopped women in their tracks. Riding the elevator in the office tower
    would get the ladies going, wanting to know who was wearing and what was it? Some silly guy
    would pipe up and give the name of something he had on; they'd sniff and sniff but couldn't confirm it. I wouldn't say anything and I wasn't going to tell them what it was, kind of liked the monopoly I had wearing that stuff.

    So I type in Colorado Sage on the net and Bingo, somebody here had a lead on where to get
    this stuff, unbelievable. Tried some years ago and a dead end. I hope it's the same stuff. I could
    only find after-shave, can't remeber if what I had was after-shave or cologne, but either...

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    A few years ago Caswell-Massey had a Limited edition Old Time sage. It was pretty good stuff but I haven't seen it done since.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    The Bonne Bell Company | Color and Flavor Shop | Heritage | Colorado Sage After Shave

    is exactly what your looking for my friend. And, it's amazing stuff..... only 8 bucks for 4 oz. Not bad.

    Good luck!!
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  4. #4
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    I used Colorado Sage back in the mid 60's and rediscovered it several years ago and mentioned it here on the forum. They had some great ads in magazine featuring Bogart, The Lone Ranger and Gary Cooper. I use the After Shave. The colonge is just too strong a sent for me. The after shave is just right.

  5. #5
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    is there an edt? April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  6. #6
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickboone View Post
    is there an edt?
    Rick, what is edt?? just for clarification please. I'm guessing at it right now, so instead of assuming, I'll just ask.


    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  7. #7
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    Rick, what is edt?? just for clarification please. I'm guessing at it right now, so instead of assuming, I'll just ask.


    Eau De Toilette...or cologne. Technically there is an EDC, too (cologne) and EDP (parfum). They all indicate strengths of the fragrance. EDT is typically thrown about around here to describe something other than aftershave that would fall into one of the above categories.

    I noticed in the link posted there was only aftershave, so was basically attempting to find out if there was something other than the aftershave. Thanks! April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

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    mjhammer (06-13-2011)

  9. #8
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Ya know, I couldn't locate anything other than the after shave.

    I usually stick to aftershave, and don't use much cologne myself. I don't know why that is though.

    Thank you for the education as well, at least next time I'll know what it means in context.

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  10. #9
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickboone View Post
    is there an edt?
    If you go to the link mjhammer provided and click the "Heritage" tab at the top, the cologne is on the second page of results.

    Or, just go here.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to northpaw For This Useful Post:

    mjhammer (06-13-2011)

  12. #10
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by northpaw View Post
    If you go to the link mjhammer provided and click the "Heritage" tab at the top, the cologne is on the second page of results.

    Or, just go here.
    Darn, I searched that site, it must be a fairly new addition, cuz I swear it wasn't there before. Good job mate!!
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

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