Seeking new relationship, feel I need the extra edge of this cologne I had had only one bottle of, never had any idea how hard it would be to find again, which I never was able. The producer at the time, circa 1980's, said it was only released at Xmas, still I couldn't find it anywhere.

Best thing I ever wore, stopped women in their tracks. Riding the elevator in the office tower
would get the ladies going, wanting to know who was wearing and what was it? Some silly guy
would pipe up and give the name of something he had on; they'd sniff and sniff but couldn't confirm it. I wouldn't say anything and I wasn't going to tell them what it was, kind of liked the monopoly I had wearing that stuff.

So I type in Colorado Sage on the net and Bingo, somebody here had a lead on where to get
this stuff, unbelievable. Tried some years ago and a dead end. I hope it's the same stuff. I could
only find after-shave, can't remeber if what I had was after-shave or cologne, but either...