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Thread: Is this razor Honable?

  1. #11
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Gotta try to find out. That may be more restoration than honing, but you won't know till you're doing it.

  2. #12
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Wait, where is one of those guys that says honing is easy, when you need them
    Well, sure, it's easy for them, what with being Masters with decades of experience!
    gssixgun likes this.

  3. #13
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyalex View Post
    @gssixgun: Thats just the picture making the heel look worse somehow, I don't know how but it looks like a guillotine compared to what I'm holding in my hand right now.

    I think I need to go back and look at your vids again...
    Nonetheless, to find good steel, if any exists you will likely end up removing so much you will get into the stabiliser fast, especially with a 220.
    I'd follow Glen's advice & future proof that heel first.
    Good luck.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  4. #14
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Nonetheless, to find good steel, if any exists you will likely end up removing so much you will get into the stabiliser fast, especially with a 220.
    I'd follow Glen's advice & future proof that heel first.
    I didn't think of that, even though looking back, Glen says it in his post I need reading glasses. I'm not too experienced with recontouring heels though, would you recommend any particular strokes?

    Last edited by justalex; 06-17-2011 at 12:24 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    i wouldn't waste any time on this blade. Even it will not teach you anything just waste of your time.Just move on another blade or just get rid of this rust. it is not save to play around so much rusty blade.
    (if you use mag you will see blade has deep rust)

  6. #16
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    i wouldn't waste any time on this blade. Even it will not teach you anything just waste of your time.Just move on another blade or just get rid of this rust. it is not save to play around so much rusty blade.
    (if you use mag you will see blade has deep rust)
    Well I have alot of time on my hands, but I do appreciate your opinion but purely out of curiosity and the fact I learn much better from making my own mistakes, I just want to hone it out anyways. If it ends up a pile of metal filings then so be it. And I feel when it comes to techniques like honing, Any chance to build up honing muscle memory, I'll use it.

    And Glasgow's pretty rainy right now

  7. #17
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Besides, even if it is not considered to be a waste of time, there is a lot of satisfaction in rescuing the un-redeemable; and a lesson is still learned if you fail. Good luck!

  8. #18
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    I've noticed on one side the spine is even but on the other its super thin at the toe and heel and more worn in the middle of the spine.

    Should I correct this before doing any more honing with the tape?

  9. #19
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyalex View Post
    I didn't think of that, even though looking back, Glen says it in his post I need reading glasses. I'm not too experienced with recontouring heels though, would you recommend any particular strokes?

    Alex in that Vid on my channel I re-contour that heel, and show ya how, it is quite common when you are doing heavy honing/breadknifing..
    You are creating years worth of wear in minutes so it needs to be done..
    Jimmy's link is the most important one of this thread, if the edge is starting to develop into a frown like yours looks from the pic, you want to reverse that process by honing to introduce a smile...
    You have heard the stupid saying "Turn that frown upside down" well it works on razors to

    There is lots to learn from that razor have fun doing it even if the steel turns out to be bad in the end you will still learn what we so fondly call
    "Honing Gymnastics"

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyalex View Post
    Well I have alot of time on my hands, but I do appreciate your opinion but purely out of curiosity and the fact I learn much better from making my own mistakes, I just want to hone it out anyways. If it ends up a pile of metal filings then so be it. And I feel when it comes to techniques like honing, Any chance to build up honing muscle memory, I'll use it.

    And Glasgow's pretty rainy right now
    This is how i feel about honing.
    when you hone and get end result it makes me feel a lot better. i know i did get something at the end.
    I have nothing against to hone the blade which you have at least 50 % chance you can get some ok edge from the blade.
    if that blade had that chance i would say go head hone it and see what happens.
    at least your hands will get used to strokes etc.
    The current condition of the blade is scary. if you cut yourself with such a rusty blade God knows what is next.
    Anyways this is your decision and i wish you good luck.

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