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Thread: Baby But Shave - What do you think?

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Everyone is different and we all expect different things out of the shave experience. Some demand BBS every time, Some only do on occasion, some couldn't care less about it, some can obtain it easily and some with pain,and some can never get it. Some shave with a straight or DE for the total experience and some because they have to every day and some are in between.

    I know for me I do my usual routine and don't consciously try for any real goal. I've been doing this long enough that the shave just happens and the result makes me happy and it's a great experience. Sure, every now and then I'll mix things up and try a new stroke or change how I do the hot towel or similar but the basic stuff is consistent.
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  2. #12
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    My problem with BBS shaving is that I don't have enough hair to shave the next day. If I get a DFS shave, I may have enough to shave the next day.
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  3. #13
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    As has been said there are a number of variables to consider. The one thing that noone has mentioned is that as straight razor users with RAD we eventually come across the perfect razor/s that suit our faces. There can be more than one
    Yes maybe daily BBS is still a challenge for our skin cells & yes ideal honing & stropping will "equalise" most razors but some of you know what I'm talking about. Those perfect razors that deserves the term "exceptional". The ones that make a 24 hour growth look like a 12 hour growth & you forget the aftershave because your skin wasn't screaming for it. I agree with the premise of not pushing the process to extremes but comfort can also be optimised with our equipment. I imagine the DE guys have their holy grails too ? Anticipating the flood of Monty Python jokes
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Glenn24's Avatar
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    Certain spots of my face can easily tolerate BBS. Others, no way in hell. I'm reminded of this each time I try and get stuck with a weeks worth of wicked razor burn.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post

    I know for me I do my usual routine and don't consciously try for any real goal. I've been doing this long enough that the shave just happens and the result makes me happy and it's a great experience. Sure, every now and then I'll mix things up and try a new stroke or change how I do the hot towel or similar but the basic stuff is consistent.

    I agree, if you get the technique right, a good shave will follow, the definition of a good shave, is whatever pleases you.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JCummins View Post
    My problem with BBS shaving is that I don't have enough hair to shave the next day. If I get a DFS shave, I may have enough to shave the next day.
    Now that was me. However, I have found that after str8's for the last 3 months, my beard is actually growing FASTER. I used to be able to go 2 days between shaves, regardless of how BBS it was. Now, no matter what, I have the 5 oclock shadow. And I say thank God!!! Cuz it was killing me to wait 2 days to shave.

    Oh, if I only had 2 faces to shave, I'd shave twice a day!!

    CraigtheBarber likes this.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    I have found that after str8's for the last 3 months, my beard is actually growing FASTER. I used to be able to go 2 days between shaves, regardless of how BBS it was. Now, no matter what, I have the 5 oclock shadow. And I say thank God!!! Cuz it was killing me to wait 2 days to shave.
    That's likely because you aren't using a razor that cuts below skin level anymore, like a Mach III. Although, most SR users report their whiskers growing in more slowly, not quicker. Could be 'cause you're not shaving close enough....

  8. #18
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    That's likely because you aren't using a razor that cuts below skin level anymore, like a Mach III. Although, most SR users report their whiskers growing in more slowly, not quicker. Could be 'cause you're not shaving close enough....
    No doubt and because my technique is simply not there yet. I do continue to improve, but ATM I probably am not getting as close a shave as I will get in time. Yet, I'm content!! the quest is what counts! I'm happy I am able to shave once a day. It's the routine that really matters.


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    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

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