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Thread: Deployment

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshb1000 View Post
    I appreciate all the inputs. I will be leaving for a float along the Mediterranean. The ship is a carrier of sorts, so it's quite big. Traveling along the Atlantic. Outside of that I can't give you too much more info. I just thought, that perhaps my travel humidor with the sponge replaced with a pack of desiccant might act as the perfect travel case. Any ideas?
    Look for some kitchen containers. They seal air tight and the plastic ones are light.
    Desiccant is a good idea, so is a small container of mineral oil.

    Lets see Proraso and Cella are Italian. Like beer and wine always
    go for the local brands. If you are in port see what the local products

  2. #22
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    well being deployed i feel your pain....
    i took one of doves best, a tweezerman brush, a strop, and just to keep it militant some of the colonel finest.
    the water is crap, the water temperature not that hot unless i want to shave in the mid day, which we know aint happening, but i have to admit cold shave isint that bad... some of the guys here claim it makes wiskers stand up, which it does by the way. try it.
    but they're also right, sand/dust gets everywhere. you might want to get a DE or a barbers hone, im not the hairiest clown around but ive gotten about 1.5 months and now my blade is pulling and im having the wife send me a 8k stone to bring it back, heres to experimenting.
    those old tupperware style containers work like a champ, the AC goes out from time to time so humidity sometimes is a problem depending on your location, stuff rusts everywhere its inevitable.
    the best thing you can do is, try to keep everything clean, dry, serviceable. everynow and then aafes carries the green brushes and the soap downrange, but bring a brush,strop,DE just in case,somekind of barbers hone, lather making stuff, something to store it all in, and have fun. the people in the bathroom facility will look at you funny with a straight edge!

    good luck, stay safe.

  3. #23
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the info. Last 2 times I deployed I was still using an electric, but wanted to try something new this year. I appreciate all the info. I absolutely remember all the sand and dust. It turned green shirts to brown and dust off was a saviour . I appreciate all tips everyone and I'm planning on setting up a deployment kit, so once its complete I'll be sure to post it, thanks again everyone and stay safe Ralfy.

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