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07-04-2011, 04:19 AM #1
Personna Hair Shaper Blades Vs Double Sided Blades Vs Traditional Razor
I have now had the chance to try the Personna 2.5” Hair Shaper Blades and the Double Sided Blades in cut throat razors plus a few Traditional straight razor.
Now I love my Traditional straight razors however, the persona blades seem to shave me the best (and oh I wish it didn’t)
I didn’t like the double sided razors snapped in half, it felt like a super sharp coke can sliding across my face, every hair flexed the blade and as it passed and after cutting I could feel it flex back into place. What an awful feeling!
My dovo ‘Traditional’ straight razors are nice to shave with; they don’t flex like the double sided razors and cut nicely although they just don’t seem to feel as sharp as the Personna Hair Shaper Blades or Double Sided Blades
The Personna Hair Shaper Blades are sharp, they don’t flex and they are a nice length although when I use them I feel like I lost what I’m trying to achieve, that sense of the traditional shave.
In the end I will always go back to my ‘traditional' straight razors and leave the Personna blades for emergencies however I did want some opinions regarding this.
So... I wanted to find out if anyone has used the Personna 2.5” Razors in a replicable straight razor? (I’m using them in a Dovo shavette with a green sleeve) and what are your thoughts about them?
Or just your thoughts in general regarding this topic?
Last edited by Brighty83; 07-04-2011 at 09:16 AM.
07-04-2011, 04:26 AM #2
I keep thinking about them but I haven't yet gotten around to playing 4 bucks for the holder plus 6 bucks to get it shipped to me.
I like my shavette, don't much like the wedge I got to use instead.
I ended up falling in love with American steel.
07-04-2011, 06:46 AM #3
I actually ordered my green holder by mistake, best mistake i ever made haha, its a pity that the blades are so hard to come by though, if you have been meaning to get one i would say its worth the try.
07-04-2011, 03:06 PM #4
We have a chain over here called "Sally Beauty Supply" that will sell to those without barber's/beautician licenses and I know the one in town actually has the Personna hair shaper blades in stock (for the Personna Hair Shaper doohicky). I just have to stop being cheap about ordering something where S&H costs more than the item. Or wait and buy something else with it
07-04-2011, 03:12 PM #5
Before we pro tattooers went to the disposable Bic type safety razors for many years I shaved customers (for tattoos) with those very same Personna blades. I've tried shaving my face with one once. They are alright for shaving a customer's tattoo area but AFAIC ain't worth a damn for face shaving comfort and closeness. YMMV. BTW, I used a Weck replaceable blade straight for the job and found that vintage Weck blades are far better than the current Personnas.
Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.
07-04-2011, 03:54 PM #6
Are the weck blades the same dementions as the personna blades? I'm guessing i zero chance of finding some of those online?
There seems to be a few of the weck razors themselves on eBay, might snap one up!
07-04-2011, 03:56 PM #7
Yes they are the same size. Vintage stock on ebay is the only source I know of. I don't think they are that great. Just better than Personnas for shaving the area to be tattooed. I wouldn't want to have to shave my face with either of them.
Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.
The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:
Brighty83 (07-04-2011)
07-04-2011, 04:01 PM #8
Lol ill keep that in mind, for the $10 I might get one just to have a look anyway
07-04-2011, 04:47 PM #9
I remember starting off with a Personna blade...needless to say after bloodletting myself for a couple days i realized it wasnt doing what i needed. I agree with Jimmy. For closeness and especially for comfort, Personna blades fall far short of what is considered decent. There is no flex, and they're so short that you really cant work the angles needed. Good for sideburns or taking the blade out to practice stropping but, nothing compared to a straight for comfort and overall shave quality.
07-05-2011, 05:54 PM #10
I haven't cut my self with them yet, thankfully! Maybe i have just been lucky hehe
Anyway i just honed my first razor today, it actually cut quite well this time, Maybe my razors just haven't been quite sharp enough for me to appreciated them properly?
I should have my first order through from SRD in the next few days so the razor i ordered should be professionally honed. I'm guessing that should make a big difference with my next shave.
What were you using the blades in, the Dovo Shavette, Weck or something else all together?