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  1. #11
    Senior Member Sec162's Avatar
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    Why do some of us have lots of knives, guns, watches, shoes, ect. ??? With most tools they each work great for different tasks. Sometimes you need that "one" for this situation, and this "one" for this job. I have a drawer full of pocket knives, but I usually carry the same one everyday. But once in a while I grab a specific one for a specific purpose.

    If I had the money I would probably have a dozen $$ watches. I wouldn't need them, but each one would be unique in there own way.

    I am new here also and don't plan to have lots of razors either. But, I will keep my mouth shut incase things go the other way

  2. #12
    Senior Member mrcleanhead's Avatar
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    I'm currently having that debate with myself about shaving mugs. Do I use them as I collect them (and possible de-value them?) or do I leave them out for display only (but it would be so cool to try them out)? I think it's called a conundrum. I'm assuming I'll have that quandry with straight razors too. If you have a lot of money and spend $300 or more on a shaving mug (or razor) as a collectible would you care as much if it got devalued? Or as a "collector" would you have bought it for its beauty and just want to admire it?

    This is what goes on in your brain when you wake up at 3 am and read the Forums.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Sec162's Avatar
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    Unless you are a hard core collector that is simply trying to make money on something I say use it! I am into cars and I have seen so many guys keep a car nice and clean with really low miles for years and years. The only thing they did was keep it in nice shape for the next guy. I have a car like that, something happened and this guy needed to sell it. He didn't make any money on it and didn't get to enjoy it much. Thats just the way I look at it though. We are all going to die someday and then your stuff is going to get sold/handed down to someone who will likely use it. May as well enjoy it while you are here.

  4. #14
    Senior Member mrcleanhead's Avatar
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    Excellent point. Hard to use cool shaving gear when you're six feet under.

  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That is an excellent question and the answer is very easy too. The fact is if you want to just shave with a straight period all you really need is one razor. probably nice to have two or three to switch on and off and in case one suddenly quits shaving on you. Remember in the old days the rich, big shots aspired to a seven day set for the ultimate.

    The fact is most of us here are just razor crazed junkies who have to keep buying more razors and paraphanalia for their fix (not me of course). The problem is most of us view this as a hobby and even though we didn't start out that way it just happened to wind up that way. If you don't get off this site fast you'll wind up like the rest of us. There shoud be a banner when you first enter this site that reads "all hope abandon ye who enter here". LOL
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    well, what do you know, I just purchased Bill's #9 - it's a Torrey blade, and I have heard good things about these blades. Scales look beautiful. I don't think this razor can have the temerity to turn out a bad shaver.


  7. #17
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat
    well, what do you know, I just purchased Bill's #9 - it's a Torrey blade, and I have heard good things about these blades. Scales look beautiful. I don't think this razor can have the temerity to turn out a bad shaver.


    Every Torrey I've owned has turned out to be an exceptional shaver.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sec162
    If I had the money I would probably have a dozen $$ watches. I wouldn't need them, but each one would be unique in there own way.

    I am new here also and don't plan to have lots of razors either.
    No one plans to be an alcoholic or drug addict just sort of happens that way....

    Do we get to make fun of you and bring up this thread when you have purchased your 5th or 6th razor???

  9. #19
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat
    well, what do you know, I just purchased Bill's #9 ...
    That's the ticket! You're going to get hiiiiiigh, soooo hiiiiigh of that fix.


  10. #20
    Senior Member Sec162's Avatar
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    I do see your points. I tried like hell to buy one of bills latest. I loved the one he just did for JL and emailed him (apparently so did a few others) asking about some more like it. I have been working a lot of over time lately and thought I would treat myself. The thought of using something well over 100 years old everyday is really neat. I was looking forward to spending an obscene about of money on a piece of history like this but that didn't happen I work 3rd shift and by the time I got up they were all but spoken for already.

    It was like trying to buy plywood in Florida during hurican season. Maybe next time

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