"He who dies with the most toys..." is still dead. Personally, I got lots for a couple reasons. Initially, I got them, intending to collect them. Then, I discovered the joys of honing and restoration, and thought "hey, maybe I can sell one or two." Put it out there and see what people think. So far, so good (and thanks to everyone I've dealt with). Probably, though, I like them because each one has its own personality and beauty. (Ok, some of the dogs I've bought are a little short on the "beauty" part) Each one (assuming you're not buying multiple same razors) are ground differently, feel differently, look differently, and perform differently. I really enjoy the process of discovering each one's strengths and weaknesses, although that process is truncated in my case, because it usually goes up for sale, and I don't have the time necessary to fully explore each one's charms. Each one has a story, readable if you know how to look. I've discovered what I like by trying lots of different ones from lots of different people.
Just my $.02.
