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Thread: Okay, I'm confused.

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What's that old saying "all show and no go". That's what you get from barbers these days. Plenty of atmosphere and all the fancy towels and scents and all that however what is lacking is the skill department. Most guys giving shaves in "barber" shops have no business doing it. If you could have experienced a shave from a barber back in the 1950s there would be no doubt in your mind what a proper barbers shave is all about and why men went to barbers for a shave in the first place.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Senior Member hornm's Avatar
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    You have to keep in mind that just because they are a "barber" and went to barber school doens't mean that they will have the same skill set that thebigspendur's 1950's era barber would. You went in thinking "barber" and BBS shave not realizing that said barber could go weeks without shaving somebody. Training is one thing actaully being able to use it and practice those skills is something totally different. The barber I went to recently (see my thread - shave and a haircut fundraiser) was good, and he delivered a very good shave. The next Joe barber down the street might be just the opposite. Sadly the hot towel shave is one of those things that are being forced by the wayside simply because it takes time. If it were as quick and easy as a canned goo shave more people would be interested but in the rush-rush attitude we have developed most people will gladly pass it up so they can have more time to watch Oprah or whatever other senseless b.s. they think they have to zone out on.

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  3. #13
    dow is offline
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    Thanks again for all of the advice and encouragement. This sure is a great place.


  4. #14
    Member Stuart74's Avatar
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    Hi dow,

    As the others have said, I find I get a closer shave myself that I do from a babers shave.

    Try and get a copy of the following book by Luke Leadbitter - Teach yourself the Cutthroath Shave.

    When I was starting out I found it was a great help on how to hold a straight properly and also what were the best hand positions for each area of my face.

    It might help you with the left side of your face.


  5. #15
    dow is offline
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    Thanks Stuart, I'll look for it.

  6. #16
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Wow it's great that you want to come over to the "dark side" But seriously, you will find you can get a much closer shave with a straight and with less irritation. The reason I started was that I could shave everyday 3 passes, With , across and against the grain and not have irritation and BBS. The skills you learn to do this is also VERY satisfying. When I used a cartridge it was a painful every other day day experience for me. Glad you want to do it, and you came to the best place for advice. All the gents on here are fantastic!
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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