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  1. #1
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    Default 2nd pass the next day?

    Hey all, I'm a newbie and just had my first straight shave last night. I wear a full beard so I just do my neck and a little touch up high on the cheeks. Normally with my mach 3 I do this every 2-3 days.

    Being my first time, I only did a single pass WTG and since I had 0 nicks or cuts I thought perhaps quitting while I was ahead was a good idea. The results were about as smooth as I would expect from a single blade disposable. So today, I'm definitely having a bit of stubble and I'm considering shaving again.

    Do you think I would be good to skip right to the XTG and ATG pass or should I start fresh at the WTG pass?

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to SRP.

    I'm glad you got a good first experience with a straight
    As to skipping WTG the second day, I'd say no.
    If you wait 24 hours, you are basically starting all over again.
    Stay with just WTG for now, and once you get the technique down, experiment with one more pass per shave.
    But always start every shave with a WTG pass.

    Good luck mate
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #3
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    Hi! I just wanted to also poke in here and mention this...

    Using a Straight Razor will not magically prevent hair growth, nor really slow it down. If you're a fast grower, shaving daily will still be a requirement, you just wont be doing it with a POS 6 blade nightmare like a Mach 6 from Gillette.

    24hrs is reasonable time passage for stubble to reappear.. so I'd just pretend that 24 hours means another day has passed, and start fresh, as previously suggested by Birnando.


  4. #4
    Mr. Baby Face DerekC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    Hi and welcome to SRP.

    I'm glad you got a good first experience with a straight
    As to skipping WTG the second day, I'd say no.
    If you wait 24 hours, you are basically starting all over again.
    Stay with just WTG for now, and once you get the technique down, experiment with one more pass per shave.
    But always start every shave with a WTG pass.

    Good luck mate
    Plus, in the beginning of your razor journey, technique on the XTG/ATG passes is usually lacking. I'd stick WTG until you're very comfortable with the razor in your hand.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by usnavysubs View Post

    Using a Straight Razor will not magically prevent hair growth, nor really slow it down. If you're a fast grower, shaving daily will still be a requirement, you just wont be doing it with a POS 6 blade nightmare like a Mach 6 from Gillette.

    Nor did I expect it to. My concern is that usually I do 2 passes with a mach 3 (1 wtg and 1 atg), and that gets me about 2 or 3 days before I need to shave again. If I shave after only a day, or day and a half that's when I really get irritation. My skin just doesn't seem to like so many passes in a short period of time. So I was concerned if I do another 2 or even 3 passes today I might get really bad.

    I guess I'll just do another wtg pass and live with those results until I get a little more comfortable.

  6. #6
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    Do you get pretty thick hairline around the neck, under the beard? you could always utilize clippers on the off days, and then clean it up every 2-3 with the Straight.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by usnavysubs View Post
    Do you get pretty thick hairline around the neck, under the beard? you could always utilize clippers on the off days, and then clean it up every 2-3 with the Straight.
    Not so much. I stop it at the edge of my jawline on top so that sort of hides the transition, and on the bottom it sort of tapers beard grows kinda weird I think. I can go 3-4 days if I have to without shaving and it's not too ugly, but I can grow a full beard in a week. It's like it starts slow but once it hits a magic point it just starts going like crazy.

    I was just worried a bit because this first shave wasn't as close as I usually would go, so I'm concerned that if I have to shave more often than I used to it might start causing irritation.

  8. #8
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I think you'll find it's most comfortable to shave with the grain before shaving against - but the only way to know for yourself is experiment. Be comfortable with it first though
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  9. #9
    Junior Member Phobetor's Avatar
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    I used to get irritation as well. Shaved for 15 years with a mach3. Resently with a SR i can shave each day With out a irritation. For me the key is no pressure while shaving and a good prep. I would advice, try it . :-) but that is just my 0,02 cent.

  10. #10
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    Quick update:

    I just had a shower and shave. Took probably 45 minutes but I managed 2 passes and got what I would call a moderately smooth shave and 0 cuts for the 2nd shave in a row! And my brush and soap hasn't even come yet, I was just using canned gel.

    Thanks for the help everybody, it worked great.

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