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Thread: Wide Strop

  1. #1
    < Banned User >
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    Default Wide Strop

    I have the 3" wide english bridle SRD strop and was wondering if I need to strop in an X pattern still since it is wide enough for the entire blade or is it better to strop straight since I seem better at that motion and risk less putting uneven pressure one one side from the other of the razor during the X stroke?

    Specifically, does the X pattern provide any benefit other then just covering the length of the blade? Perhaps it aligns the edge better then going straight?

    I will be getting a super fancy japanese 80000 strop soon and also would like to know how that should affect my technique. Clearly I want to get all my practice out of the way before shredding up the fancy strop.

  2. #2
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    For many years strops were made 2-1/2" wide, and sometimes 2" as well. The x-pattern was indeed required to strop the entire edge of the razor. Nowadays with 3" strops it isn't critical, but some guys still do it to stay in practice as they may have smaller additional strops in their shave den.

    As for any other side benefits, some guys may have theories that the x-pattern aligns the atoms in correct sequence along the y-axis, but YMMV .

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    groovyd (07-17-2011)

  4. #3
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    # one on that advice, I still use the X-Pattern on my wider strops, as I have couple of 1 1/2" wide finishing stones that require consistant X-Patterns the continueing practice does, IMHO, make a positive Difference in my mediocre finishing technique.

    Have a great Shave, BBS if possible, every day!

    tinkersd of SRP!
    JOMOTB[Jolly Old man of the BLade!]

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to tinkersd For This Useful Post:

    groovyd (07-17-2011)

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