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  1. #1
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    Default Goodbye to Packet Razors


    My name's Aaron and I'm from Australia.

    For years I've put up with packet razors - dragging across skin, tearing at the hairs, etc. A friend mentioned that a good shaving brush goes a long way - so I started to look into it, and now I'm hooked on the idea of a cut throat shave. I've put together a list of things I intend to buy - and am chasing the opinions of members here

    1x Dovo Straight Razoz - Prima Klang, Extra Full Hollow Ground Round Point "Singing" Razor with Violet Wood Handle
    1x Muhle Stylo Brush
    1x Dovo XL Linen/Russian Leather Strop
    1x Vulfix Sandalwood Shaving Cream
    1x Dovo Green Paste
    1x Dovo Red Paste
    1x Dovo Yellow Paste
    1x Jar Chromium Oxide
    1x Silicone Treated Razor Sleeve

    I'm a big believer in 'buy good, buy once'. At first I was thinking just how expensive this is becoming - but when compared to the $30/month I spend on new Mach3 blades, it will pay for itself in due time.

    Many Thanks,


  2. #2
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Hello Aaron, and welcome to SRP!
    Your list looks good, but I have a couple recommendations. First, I see you intend to use pastes, Nothing wrong with that, but remember that you will need something to apply those pastes to. It is not recommended to paste your daily strop. You can not use different pastes on a strop either, it is impractical if not impossible. In idea here could be to use balsa wood for pastes, many find those work fine and are not costly.
    Second, for storage. A silicone treated sleeve might not be the best option. Rust is your main enemy, and unless you are absolutely sure you have zero moisture on your razor storing them in a watertight environment - well, suffice to say it might go wrong. I just store mine in a non humid cupboard.
    Check out the wiki, where you will find lots of info for your enjoyment of straight shaving. Do let us hear how you fare, and happy shaving.

  3. #3
    DLB is offline
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    A great list. You will love the Dovo Prima Klang razor. I just got one last week and it is a superb razor; smooth and close shaving.

    Be sure to read all the stickies and Wiki information on straight razor shaving. It will really help to get you on the right track.

    I wish you well on your shaving journey.

  4. #4
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    Many thanks for the fast replies

    So - I need to buy a flat piece of balsa as well, and reconsider as to the storage. Here's a quote from the website regarding the sleeve (I won't list the exact website as I'm not sure as to this forum's policies).

    Made by hand in the USA for the firearms industry, the sleeve's based on USA cotton treated with oil and silicone. It wicks away moisture like crazy! There's no need to oil any carbon steel razor if always keep it in here; I've used it for a high carbon oldie that I never oil, and I live in a near-constant 70%+ relative humidity environment. Not a drop of rust anywhere in 2+ years. That's very impressive. In fact, the makers say to not oil that which is placed within, as this can seal moisture under a film of oil.
    However - I'm more than happy to hear further advice on this. Perhaps just a pocket of terry towling, and a rubber band - to keep it safe?

    On another (related) subject - can anyone recommend where to buy this from? The razor itself ranges from $170USD to $250USD for the exact same product. I can't find a supplier of that particular razor (in that timber) in Australia (and it seems that top dollar is paid for any razor bought directly from Australia).

    I can find it for $110GBP, however the exchange rate to the Aussie dollar is quite poor when converting to pounds. At the moment, the Aussie dollar is buying around $1.09USD, so it seems the US is a good choice.

    If it's against forum policy to list websites selling products, perhaps PM me?

    Many Thanks Again (what a helpful forum!)



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    So after talking to a few members in the chat room, and reading further into certain pro's/con's of the products I selected (and also seeing what's available to buy locally here in Aus), I have a new (and completely different) list of purchases I've made today:

    1x Dovo Classic White 5/8 (perhaps more forgiving than my previous choice)
    1x Illinois Razor Strop Co Leather Strop #835
    1x Simpsons Berkeley Pure Badger Brush - 46
    1x Nortons 4000/8000 Waterstone
    1x Dovo Yellow Strop Paste
    1x Proraso Shave Tub (Aloe & Green Tea)
    1x Proraso Healing Cut Get
    1x Proraso Pre & After Shave Cream

    Can't wait until they arrive



  6. #6
    Member Str8Raz0r's Avatar
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    G'day and welcome to SRP Aaron. Good to see another Aussie on board. Looks like you have a nice setup on the way, good luck with the straight shaving.

    Let us know how the first shave goes.

  7. #7
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Yep sounds like you've dived in head first there alright. Welcome Aaron. Be sure to check out the posts in the Down Under section of the Forum. They are more relevant to all us Aussies here. Grant has already posted a link in your other thread to sources of supply within Australia. Yeah I know America needs our money right now, but we shouldn't have to get our stuff from them, when we should be able to get it right here in our own backyard. No offence meant to our Yank brothers of course, but you understand the sentiment behind what I'm saying.

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    Mick -

    I agree with you there. It's very hard for small businesses to start up in Australia. Particularly now with paid maternity leave etc etc!

    That was one of the reasons I bought within our fine country (apart from being a little paranoid about international post. I've had a couple of nightmare experiences with USPS).



  9. #9
    DLB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by austy View Post
    Ok, ...I have a new (and completely different) list of purchases I've made today:
    1x Dovo Classic White 5/8 (perhaps more forgiving than my previous choice)
    1x Illinois Razor Strop Co Leather Strop #835
    1x Simpsons Berkeley Pure Badger Brush - 46
    1x Nortons 4000/8000 Waterstone
    1x Dovo Yellow Strop Paste
    1x Proraso Shave Tub (Aloe & Green Tea)
    1x Proraso Healing Cut Get
    1x Proraso Pre & After Shave Cream
    Hi Aaron,

    Your list looks great. Unless you just get bit by an AD, this set-up could service you for a long, long time. Let us know how it goes.

    Best of luck and Happy Shaving!

  10. #10
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard Aaron.
    Didn't realise you'd already signed up
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

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