
My name's Aaron and I'm from Australia.

For years I've put up with packet razors - dragging across skin, tearing at the hairs, etc. A friend mentioned that a good shaving brush goes a long way - so I started to look into it, and now I'm hooked on the idea of a cut throat shave. I've put together a list of things I intend to buy - and am chasing the opinions of members here

1x Dovo Straight Razoz - Prima Klang, Extra Full Hollow Ground Round Point "Singing" Razor with Violet Wood Handle
1x Muhle Stylo Brush
1x Dovo XL Linen/Russian Leather Strop
1x Vulfix Sandalwood Shaving Cream
1x Dovo Green Paste
1x Dovo Red Paste
1x Dovo Yellow Paste
1x Jar Chromium Oxide
1x Silicone Treated Razor Sleeve

I'm a big believer in 'buy good, buy once'. At first I was thinking just how expensive this is becoming - but when compared to the $30/month I spend on new Mach3 blades, it will pay for itself in due time.

Many Thanks,
