OK, this morning I took the plunge. I ordered a copy of the Straight Razor DVD from Lynn, and then hopped over to whippeddog to order my beginner's setup.

I got the "sight unseen" kit plus an extra razor, requesting a contrasting width and style (full hollow vs. wedge) so I could start to learn what I prefer. Also picked up two brushes and some soap, and still came in substantially less than a single new Dovo razor kit.

Now, I will almost certainly want to upgrade to a nicer strop and razor later on if I stick with it, but I figure this lets me get going for a lower price and have some hand-me-down equipment that I can use to hook one of my friends or relatives later on and when I am ready to pick out a higher end razor I'll have a better idea what I like.

I'm going to be out of town over the weekend, so I'm hoping to be able to start watching the video and try my first shave when I get back on Monday.

The only qualification my wife put on getting a used razor was that she be allowed to sterilize it before I used it. Is it safe to boil the whole razor, or should you only immerse the blade part? I'm sure the steel can take it, less certain about the scales.