For the man who wants quick shave a straight is not the way to go. But hey your here and your trying it. to Answer your question I agree with Ryan82 It differs with each person.

I do WTG, Check for any missed patches in the swirly growth pattern that's my chin and neck, lather up then XTG. I find that works fine for me.

Speed will come with time and practice, I can do 2 passes now in the same amount of time it took me to do 1 pass when I first started. I enjoy shaving with a straight so I have to force myself to slow down to stretch it out.

Its an odd feeling you get when you finally get the results your happy with, sheer pride and satisfaction ( it might be utter releif because you hav'nt killed yoursef). Needless to say when that day comes youll find yourslef counting down the hours and minutes until you have to shave next.

Good luck