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Thread: Lather decays quickly

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  1. #1
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    Default Lather decays quickly

    Hello everybody,

    I am still very new to straight shaving, and I have noticed that my lather (with both creams and soaps) decays and drys during my straight shave. I never noticed this with a DE, probably because I am much more skilled and faster with the DE. Any tips on how to keep the lather nice and thick/wet on the face? I have been just lathering only a portion of my face at a time to keep it fresh while I shave, but I would much rather just lather the whole face at once like I would with the DE. Let me know if you've found this as well/any solutions.


  2. #2
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    At the risk of sounding facile, I would suggest using more water.

  3. #3
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    I have, almost to the point where the lather is too thin, doesn't seem to work. I am using MWF soap and Trumper's Violet cream.

  4. #4
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    They are both reputable products.

    What brush are you using? do you bowl, or face lather? do you live in a very hard water area?

    My guess would be just more product and more water and work it for a couple of minutes. If you are not sure about the water, try bottled water as a one off, just to see.

  5. #5
    zib is offline
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    How long would you say it takes you to shave?, or how long does your lather last, before it decays. For instance, I lather my face, then I strop my str8 razor.
    When I come back to the mirror, it's dry, usually, or in the process of drying out. It's a thin layer of cream/soap on your face exposed to the air, so it will dry relatively quickly. There are variences from soap to soap, and cream to cream. Some do last longer than other's. If you uber, your MWF, with some Musgo real, and a couple drops of glycerin, it will help....
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    RK - You're new to it, so most likely you're taking ALOT more time. 'Nothing wrong w/ that at all, but no lather will stand up to an hour long shave. Some lather only a portion at a time - like you mention. While that works, the unlathered face is losing all the moisture - which makes the stubble harder to shave, harder on the edge. I took an hour when I started. If the lather got dry - doesn't rinse off easily under running water, then dip the tip of the brush in water and go over the dried sections to keep the lather (and beard!) moist. Its not enough to paint some water on the top of drying lather, you need to get the lather moist to the skin surface w/ the brush. If I'm going slow w/ a new blade, I will still do this so the shave quality holds beyond a single lathering's ability to stay moist.

    Don't worry about taking the time. You're learning and will very soon have the best shaves of your life.

  7. #7
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Try shaving after your shower. Whiskers will be softer and skin clean. I always pre-shave in the shower also to really soften the whiskers.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member jerrybyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    I always pre-shave in the shower also to really soften the whiskers.
    Are you using a conditioner?

  9. #9
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    I use an Omega silvertip brush as well, so it is definitely not my products. I definitely take a loooot more time with the straight than the DE. It probably takes me a solid 40 minutes at least to pull off two solid passes with some clean up. I can shave 3 passes with a DE in 20 minutes. I have been face lathering, which do you guys prefer? I started out bowl lathering and then eventually went to face lathering, not really sure why. Do you find that one is easier to find the right lather/water balance?

  10. #10
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    Also, i live in downtown Chicago, not sure about the hardness/softness of the water... will try bottled.

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