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Thread: Build a moist Lather question?

  1. #1
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    Default Build a moist Lather question?


    Just trying to sort out what I need to add or my lather to improve my Straight Razor shave
    Only had about 10 full shaves so no real experience to draw from yet

    After warm shower, apply hair conditioner to growth - left face wet
    Brush - pre warmed soak in hot tap water during shower

    Lather consists of :

    Fauldings Shave Cream - about 1/2" long dollop from tube
    Lloyds Shave Cream - Lavender Scent

    Mixture lathers up quite well IMO, nice thick layer
    After first WTG pass, feels OK

    Re-apply lather and second pass XTG razor seems to not glide so easy
    Some grabbing felt during this pass, stropped razor about 20 strokes
    Did not seem to help much
    Razor felt like it wanted to stick and grab a bit

    Got a few nicks as well, nothing serious
    Just got my attention focused sharper again. lol

    Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated

    Cheers for now


  2. #2
    Member fiero11's Avatar
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    If your razor is sharp, then maybe a preshave oil would help. It sounds like your lather is just fine and unless it is dry should not be causing the tugging you feel. Others may have better suggestions to your situation.

  3. #3
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    I would guess your razor is not optimally sharp. Subpar edge may be acceptable WTF, then show its faults on subsequent XTG or ATG passes, leading to the kinds of problems you describe.

    BTW, 10 shaves in may be a little premature to do anything but WTG and practice technique.

  4. #4
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Try a wetter lather. And you should test your shaving creams for performance, some creams/soaps tend to have their best slickness lathered thick, some needs to be a lot wetter to perfom the best. Start with a fairly dry brush when you lather, then rub some between your thumb and index finger to check the slickness. The gradually add more water and test each time, after a while you should be able to tell if the cream likes a lot of water, or not.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member tekbow's Avatar
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    Could be the lather, could be the razor (especially if you've stropped it and are a relative beginner) but it's most likely your technique.

  7. #6
    MWS is offline
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    As mentioned above, try a little more water to your lather. Your post suggests your just mixing two products. Add 1/2 tsp. of water to your mix...and a few drops as you go until you have what you need...

  8. #7
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    If your WTG pass is good but your XTG pass is 'grabby' it's not your lather, it's your technique. XTG should be much easier due to the reduced stubble; the razor should just glide along the skin. When starting out it is awkward to get the grip and movement down to do WTG, and the XTG motion takes even more practice. Keep at it, it will become natural before long.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

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  10. #8
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    Thanks for your input everyone
    There seems to be a few things for me to work on

    Certainly my stropping technique needs improvement
    Still feels like it's not as smooth as it needs to be
    I know - practice and more practice

    I take on board my Lather making needs work
    I'm still experimenting with what works and what doesn't

    On pre-shave oils I am holding off buying one right now
    I seem to have a problem with the oil I have now really killing off my lather
    So looking to change one thing at a time and see what works

    I know of a couple of Aussie SRP members not too far from me
    May need to see if one of them can mentor me a bit
    Something to work on anyways

    Cheers for now

  11. #9
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    I misread your post as "How to make a maoist lather". You need a little red brush, a puffy quilted coat, and a hat with a red star on it.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Aha latherin...
    Most of us can only shave once a day
    Lathering ya can do that till your arm
    falls off.

    I would have you invest in a puck of Williams
    and the Van Der Hagen Premium Shave Set (Soap, Bowl, Brush).
    Grand total can be under $15 bucks.

    Then take some time on alternating days and play.

    Too much water, hot water, cold, too little.
    Add a little at a time all in a big splash.
    Too much soap, too little... this way and that.
    Lather in the bowl, and on your palm.

    After "learning" on Williams with a boar brush
    your products will seem like magic.

    For me it was perhaps the best $15 bucks I ever spent....

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

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