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Thread: Preshave oil bottle for cheapos

  1. #1
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    Default Preshave oil bottle for cheapos

    I went to walmart today to get castor and olive oil to try out a homemade preshave oil recipe I found online (1/4 olive oil, 3/4 castor oil, little EO/FO "left that out"). And I was going to buy an empty bottle to put it in, but what there was, was a four pack variety thing which I had no use for the three other bottles plus I figured I was aready spending too much money. I just left thinking I'll find some little bottle at home and use that til I find out that I like the homemade preshave oil recipe and find a nice bottle to put it in. Anyways I got home and could not find a little bottle to save my life. Everything was either too big or too full to throw away. I had settled on a dial liquid soap dispencer which was wrong for various reasons but it was the best there was. And as I was making my final clean up/prep to start mixing, I made one last ditch effort to find a semi proper bottle and I found it. Routing through my drawer I found this little bottle of MIO I had put aside. They call it a liquid water enhancer, its a liquid zero calorie sweetner that comes in diffrent flavors. Anyways the interesting thing about it is it has this pretty nice one way valve type spout by which you "pour" out the product, it actually spits it out. It's nice because you really have a nice way to easily use exactly what you want, which is great when using the preshave oil because as I said you can use exactly what you need without any mess. The preshave oil I've been using from art of shaving is cumbersome by comparison. No twist cap or pump that gets all over, just thumb open the flip top and squeeze, no mess. Happy how that came out, wanted to share. And the recipe worked out to boot.
    Last edited by Knife; 08-26-2011 at 02:40 PM.

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  3. #2
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Pre-shave oil is useless IMO, you are better off without it. Your post is just a wall of text, please hit "enter" once in a while to make it easier to read.

  4. #3
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    Pre-shave oil is useless IMO, you are better off without it. Your post is just a wall of text, please hit "enter" once in a while to make it easier to read.
    I don't think it is useless at all. Matter of fact the least it will do is moisturize your skin and hold in whatever moisture is already there.The best it can do is saturate the whiskers to make them softer and provide a bit of glide over your skin.

    Knife, I add some Almond oil to mine also, makes it smell really nice. I like almond scent, but you can by other extracts to place into the oil also.

    It is all about personal taste and preference.

    Enjoy your day.
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  5. #4
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Pre-shave oil works for me! However, I don't believe you found a bottle that works for you.... Prove it to me with pictures
    niftyshaving likes this.

  6. #5
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    It is all about personal taste and preference.
    Yup, that's why I threw in the "IMO" in my post Jeff.

  7. #6
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    Yup, that's why I threw in the "IMO" in my post Jeff.
    Quick Hijack.

    We both agree you custom is simply beautiful!!!
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
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  8. #7
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Quick Hijack.

    We both agree you custom is simply beautiful!!!
    Can't argue with that!

  9. #8
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    ...Pre-shave oil is useless IMO, you are better off without it...
    What is your opinion on pre-shave creams, Blix?

    I do believe I've found the pre-shave oil (first one) I'm using (Oscar, Australian) 'interferes' with the cream, in that it seems to make it dissapate a little (I think). OTOH I really like Proraso pre-shave cream...

    I'd actually be more inclined to apply some of this rather nice smelling pre shave oil (it's like 9 different oils incl Meadowfoam, Rosehip, Bisabolol, Jojoba, Sandalwood, etc; with a Ylang Ylang scent) AFTER the shave rather than before and then put AS (T&H Trafalgar?) over the top to mix the spicy fragrances...
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 08-26-2011 at 02:10 PM.
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  10. #9
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    What is your opinion on pre-shave creams, Blix?

    I do believe I've found the pre-shave oil (first one) I'm using (Oscar, Australian) 'interferes' with the cream, in that it seems to make it dissapate a little (I think). OTOH I really like Proraso pre-shave cream...

    I'd actually be more inclined to apply some of this rather nice smelling pre shave oil (it's like 9 different oils incl Meadowfoam, Rosehip, Bisabolol, Jojoba, Sandalwood, etc; with a Ylang Ylang scent)) AFTER the shave rather than before and then put AS (T&H Trafalgar?) over the top to mix the spicy fragrances)...
    I like the Proraso cream as well. I find oils just mess up my grip on the skin. I didn't use anything but lather as a "pre" today, worked fine as well.

  11. #10
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    Sorry about the write up. I wrote it on my smartphone and you don't get a sence of how your write up is looking when you only see two lines of text at a time.

    As far as preshave oil goes, I guess everyone is different, but I've put it on before where I got that sence that it was just dissipating my shave lather. My error was in putting it on heavy. You need to just put enough to make your face shinny (work it in), not a layer of oil almost dripping off your face. You'll see even after your first pass your face will be oily, so its there as this extra layer of protection. All you need is a dime sized drop of oil for you whole face.

    Finally, quarter for scale. I can't get a clear pic of the spout which is like I said a one way valve type of "spout". So it needs to be squeezed, if you tip over the bottle nothing will come out. So nothing sort of stays on the tip, pretty clean setup.
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