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Thread: Does this worth the money?

  1. #1
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    Default Does this worth the money?

    Hi,... I cant shave with regular razor. So I began using razors for woman, but it didnt help either. Now I'am using electric shavers...

    I have once tried straight razor, and it worked. My face didnt turn red, neither did i get small acne.

    So now, i would like to buy a good straight razor, that I can use for many years.
    I have therefor seen (Thiers-Issard - Limited Edition Oak Wing G) that costs £343.40 in the U.K.
    Does it worth the money?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Walt's Avatar
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    That would be about $560 U.S.! Unless you have a lot of money to throw around, I would say that is NOT worth the money. For a fraction of that amount you can buy a restored, shave ready razor in the classified section of this forum. Then you could shave with it for a while to see if you enjoy straight razor shaving. If not, you have not invested a great deal of money. If you do enjoy it, then you can move up to a more expensive razor. You will also need a good strop and a shaving brush, at the minimum, to get started. Take a look at some of these and see if anything appeals to you.

    Regards - Walt
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  3. #3
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    It does to some people. If your only goal is to buy a good straight razor that you can use for many years, you can find thousands of cheaper alternatives
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  4. #4
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Those are beautiful razors and worth the money but that price is high. If your just starting out I would be going a cheaper route. Check the classifieds here.
    Last edited by TrilliumLT; 08-29-2011 at 01:39 PM.

  5. #5
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    I have seen those, but they dont appeal to me... The thing is that I dont want to buy one now, to try it, and then to buy another one. I'am 100% shure that I will use a straight razor. But i'am not styre which one og should be.
    you are welcome to recommand an another one that may be as good as this one.
    Last edited by Retro123; 08-29-2011 at 01:54 PM.

  6. #6
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Other TI razors, Dovo Razors, Boker, any vintage solingen, sheffield, swedish, us steel, the various custom makers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Retro123 View Post
    I have seen those, but they dont appeal to me... The thing is that I dont want to buy one now, to try it, to then buy a new one.
    But you are welcome to recommand an another one that may be as good as this one.

  7. #7
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    Only you know if it is worth the money. TI's are wonderful razors, but as others have pointed out there are plenty of fantastic razors that are a fraction of the price of a TI. My TI is definitely the most expensive razor I own, but I have other much cheaper razors that give just as sweet of a shave. The cost of a razor and number of years' service you will get from it is not necessarily a linear relationship.

    Once you get past the learning curve (which is not as long as some threads may lead you to believe) you will find that shaving with a straight razor is a rewarding experience. Many gentlemen find that irritation and razor bumps are eliminated or greatly reduced with a straight.
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  9. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think TI is getting carried away with their limited editions. it's become a cash cow for them and they keep raising the prices and folks keep buying. For the price of that razor (and it is a fine piece) you are in custom territory and I think you can do better price wise with a basic custom.

    For someone starting out I would never recommend such a razor only because there is too much of a chance something bad can happen to it.
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  10. #9
    Member fiero11's Avatar
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    the TI Oak Wing is a beautiful razor, but I agree with the fellows that you might want to look at the other TI razors, as well as, Dovo's , for a less expensive starter razor. You will eventually want to own 2 razors to be able to have one sharp and shave ready all the time. But the choice is ultimately yours. Good luck and happy shaving.

  11. #10
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    I think most memebers share the opinion that the Oakwing is a beautiful razor, but expencive, and it's a common advice not to start out that high with your first razor, and if you're not going to learn to how to hone, you will/should have at least two razors as mentioned.

    Within that price range you can get about anything you want, Mastro Livi, Wacker, Revisor, Filarmonica, and ceveral cusoms are also avaliable at that price.
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