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    Junior Member
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    Default My first shave, it's results, and plans for the future

    I recently bought a 'shave ready' Edwin Jagger plain black 5/8 (Edwin Jagger "Plain Black" 5/8 - Straight Razor Place Wiki) and a little Dovo hanging strop. I also bought a badger hair brush and the shop gave me some free sample creams aftershaves and pre-shave facial exfoliates.

    The result was that I found the razor was easily able to shave softer hair near the back of the jawbone, but that it tended to just slide over top of the majority of my whiskers, but would still shave number of them. If I played at going against the grain it would do a bit better but would still miss a number of hairs, it also felt that it pulled a little before either cutting or sliding over hairs.

    I suspect that while I suppose it's possible that Edwin Jagger delivers shave ready razors... Either the blade had been dulled at the shop I bought it from which I realize is not a good shop for straight razors, though their other supplies (brushes, creams) are just fine, or Edwin simply doesn't deliver razors shave ready.

    I'd like to find someone on or near the peninsula of southern Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada, who is able to hone razors, or at least knows a good place to get it done.

    In the mean time, next time I intend to adjust my stropping technique a little, use hotter water (steaming) and raise my shaving angle a little more for shaving with the grain.

    I intend to eventually get myself a set of hones and cheap used razors to practice with and eventually learn to effectively hone myself. Once again, if there's anyone experienced at honing razors on the island here any amount of guidance you might be willing to offer would be extremely appreciated.

    Due to lack of experience I'm unsure if the poor shave was the fault of my own bad beginner technique or due to a blade that is in need of honing. Since I'm a beginner with next to no experience I can't help but lean toward the former, but I still need to find a good place to get honing done until I become capable of doing it myself one of these years/decades.

    EDIT: Thinking back, I don't remember feeling like the blade had any chance at cutting me unless I made a slicing motion. Not sure if it's supposed to feel so dull? (though it still feels sharper than any knife blade I've ever handled)
    Last edited by GJdan; 09-01-2011 at 09:32 PM.

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