hey everyone first post here

i read this site a couple times, thought it was awesome and bought a full set up.

Went to local professional honer for my blade and got a good 2 hour tutorial on everything from storing the blades to stropping to overall shaving process.

i did my first shave (side burns and mid cheecks with both hands) no cuts or nicks

did my 2nd shave adding little bit more of the face including jawline (both hands), again no nicks or cuts

so far so good....

i do have 1 hole missing in my whole process though. What do you guys do after a couple strokes, when your blade has lather and hair on it? somehow i have yet to find information on process between strokes.

so far i have gently used a towel to knock off access lather and hair it but i am worried i will dull the blade.

while at the professional honer i bought a cheaper 2nd blade so that i would have a back up with a sharp edge in case my stropping or anything else dulls the blade

anyways all comments and hints will be extremely helpful

im sure i will have more questions as i continue perfecting this art.

thanks in advance