hello mparker,

wow, you're right, this thread has been going in circles. for me, the feathers are great, the merkurs nick me way to much and the american personnas are way too rough. only the wilkinson's come close to the feather in terms of shave quality but not even in the ballpark.

no offense taken, but i DO NOT have an average beard. any DE blade, schick injector and gillette cartridge lasts me only one week with the exception of the feathers. i have heard that some guys are able to use a gillette cartridge for 4 to 6 weeks <OUCH>.

the again remember "to each, his own", "different strokes for different folks", "your mileage may vary", yadda, yadda yadda...


Quote Originally Posted by mparker762
Hello mikey,

If you backtrack through this thread you'll discover that we're going around in circles here, but I would respectfully have to disagree with you. I've used many of the DE blades and have found the Feathers to be one of the worst options for my tough beard. The fine edge is too delicate and skips and chatters on my beard, dulling to uselessness after only 2-3 shaves, whereas the coarser edge on the american personna and merkurs is stronger and chugs through my beard much better, holding up for around 4 shaves. Not to be snarky about it, but if you get a week out of a DE blade then you've got a pretty average beard, that seems to be about the median over at B&B and SMF.