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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default First week shaveaversary

    Tonight marks exactly one week of straight shaving. I'm enjoying it, although I'm also frustrated at times. There are still areas where I shave it 2 or even 3 times and it feels like I didn't do a damn thing to the stubble. But, I feel like I've got the cheeks down pretty good!

    I decided to set a goal for week two: take the time to stretch my skin. I often get so wrapped up in angles and blade direction that I forget to do it. But hey, it's just week one, right?

  2. #2
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    Think of straight shaving as building your technique in layers. First is to get a smooth, but maybe not so close, shave. Then work on angles, pressure, and approaches to various areas to begin to get better shaves, still maintaining the smooth comfortable shave. Concentrate on the trouble areas while maintaining the basics and soon, you'll have it mastered.

    Congrats on one week, I'm about 6 months in and just recently got till where I could do 2 passes, all with the straight. Still have some trouble areas but we're getting them better day by day.


  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I would say if after a week at this if you have avoided razor burn you are way ahead of the game.
    As long as you have patience the rest will come with time.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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