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  1. #1
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    Default FINALLY

    after lurking around here for a while yesterday I finally ordered a straight razor I got:
    Dovo Best Quality Black 5/8" Straight Razor Complete set from SRD
    sadly my brush is on back order from the supplier so when I get my set it won't be complete but it should be coming soon. :-)

    I'm very excited to finally get into shaving I've read tips watched countless videos its built up a lot of anticipation

    Just thought I'd brag about it to people who would appreciate it

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    Thats great to hear!
    Its exciting when you get that first razor. To keep you busy between now and its arrival watch some of Lynns videos ... a few times as it will help.
    The Dovo BQ 5/8 was my first as well and it is still in rotation. It is a great razor and will serve you well no matter how far you take your future RAD!

    Make sure you post some pics and join in the "Shave of the Day".

    Congrats... you are on your way

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    good luck, keep us posted how it goes

  4. #4
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Welcome not only to the Wonderful World of Straight Razor Shaving but to the Friendliest, Most Helpful and Informative Site on the Web!

    As previously advised, please watch Lynn’s videos and also check out the Wikis! While this ‘Art’ has a Huge Learning Curve, once you get the hang of it, you will be rewarded 10X’s over!

    Before I entered the wonderful world, I Never Shaved on a day off!! I’d go an entire two weeks of vacation without shaving. With the exception of a three day camping trip this last July, I’ve never missed a day in over two years! I actually look forward to it!

    My 17 year old son took up the Art about a year ago! Last Christmas he received an 8/8 worked spine Friodur! He loves and cherishes it!

    Again, Welcome!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  5. #5
    Member Str8Raz0r's Avatar
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    Congrats on your first straight. Looking forward to hearing how the first shave goes and to see your pics posted.
    Good luck and enjoy the ride

    cudarunner likes this.

  6. #6
    DLB is offline
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    Welcome and Happy Shaving!

    Just take it slow. Reading the Wiki and watching the videos will really help.

    Hope your first shave goes great.

  7. #7
    Member asj1991's Avatar
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    Welcome, I'm sure you are going to love it. Like everyone said, use this time while you wait for your razor to educate yourself. I wish I had a waiting period between the purchase of my razor and when I actually got it, because the anticipation gives you the desire to educate yourself while you wait. I dove in right after buying my first straight, and did not take as much time to educate myself as I should have, and my first shave was barely a shave at all, so I sat down, did my homework, and my second shave was incredible. It gets better every time.

    Make sure you watch videos and do reading that educates you on every aspect, i.e pre shave prep, shaving, stropping, lather, etc.
    Again, welcome to the wonderful world of straight shaving, and welcome to SRP. This forum has been helpful beyond belief in my journey with the straight razor, and I really dont think I would be enjoying my shaving experience without the help from the awesome people on here. Be sure to utilize SRP as much as you can.

  8. #8
    Member texasrazorman's Avatar
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    Welcome! I am somewhat of a newbie my self. The starters kit from Straight Razor Designs is one of the best ways to start in my opinion. I had to wait a while for my brush as well. I would recommend getting a small 1" paint brush from the hardware store for in the mean time. Trust me though... once you get that Badger Brush, you will be blown away at it's efficiency in creating lather. Have fun, take it slow, and keep us posted!

  9. #9
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    The anticipation is killing me.

    I was shipped on monday and I "upgraded" to priority mail which said 2-3 days and it's still absent :-(

    I know its gonna show up tomorrow and I'm gonna feel goofy for even worrying

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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