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Thread: The Noob Chronicle - My Straight Razor Experience

  1. #41
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    The Straight Road - Part 12: Attack of Le Canadien
    It was a full day on The Straight Road, as I attended the Toronto meet-up with several other members--whose message board names I'm not even going to attempt to list here, but hi to all! I learned a great deal about straight razors, hones, strops and more, all in good company and with the added pleasure of a few cold ones. I even scored a very nice strop, courtesy of Maxi, who had an extra SRD Premium IV he let go at a very reasonable price. All in all, it was a very successful afternoon for me, so I decided I had to continue the theme of the day by going for an evening shave.

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    The Anticipation
    Having my Le Canadien honed by Maxi was quite the treat. He made sure to explain each step along the way and also had me test the blade on my now-half-bald forearm. Apparently, when I get into honing, I can look forward to bald arms and strange looks. Although I'd had a few brews, I figured I was in good enough shape to have a shave. I didn't realize that shaving with a French-point razor with a very sharp tip is a whole new experience...

    The Prep
    Hot towels for this one. I had stropped the razor at the meet-up, which was good, because I needed to put a plug in the wall for the strop-hook, which I didn't do until after shaving. I decided to forego the shaving oil for this one and see how the T&H cream would do on its own. I probably should have used the oil, considering my prep wasn't the greatest. After a rather weak prep routine, I proceeded with the hot scuttle and the lather.

    The Lather
    Not good. My new Frank Shaving 28mm Silvertip is massive compared to what I've been using, so I think that may be a factor. I didn't really get all that great of a lather going, despite taking my time and really working at it. I guess, just like different razors, different brushes require their approach, so I will need to tame this new brush. I was also somewhat shocked at the number of hairs this brush shed, which have been well over 50 since I started breaking it in. I hope it stops shedding at this rate, otherwise it won't be quite the big, thick knot which I though I had. Anyway, the lather was decent for the first pass, then I had to pull out the MWF and re-lather for the second pass and touch-ups.

    The Shave
    The first pass was decent, as the lather held up pretty well, but that sharp point proved to be a challenge. I managed to nick my left ear during the first pass, though thankfully it didn't bleed much. I also learned a new respect for the the point of this razor when shaving my neck, as the point dragged down the right side of my throat on a few strokes, not cutting, but leaving a pair of angry red lines that are still there. My second pass was complicated further by the presence of a recently arrived spectator, as my 7-year-old arrived home and decided today would be the day to watch dad shave. So while I was trying to navigate this deadly, sharp-pointed piece of beautiful steel around my face, I also had to answer questions on what I was doing, what the brush was for, what the scuttle was, why my ear was bleeding, whether this hurt and myriad other inquiries. I had to lay aside the steel for a moment and lather up her face so she could go show mom how she was also shaving. My favourite moment was when she stated that, when she grew up, she was going to be nervous about shaving like me. I had to explain, while maintaining a straight face, that she would not likely have to shave her face like dad.

    After the first pass, the lather was pretty much done, so I pulled out the MWF and whipped up a bit more for my XTG pass, which went well. I managed to avoid any further nicks and, thanks to Maxi, I could really feel the smoothness of the freshly honed edge. The touch-ups were a bit trickier with this razor, resulting in a small cut under my chin in the scar area. I also found that some of the ingrowns on the left side of my neck were a bit irritated.

    The Post
    Trying to avoid having my "helper" touch my razor, I still managed to get cleaned up alright. The bombardment of questions continued, as I explained what alum, witch hazel and aftershave balm were. Aftershave balm got the seal of approval, as I was assertively told that my face smelled fresh and spicy, but good. I rinsed with lukewarm water, then applied the alum. Went for cold, then hit it with witch hazel. After that, I dried off my razor and put it aside, away from the curious visitor. Then I applied the Grafton ASB and a few dabs of Grafton cologne and went out to greet the somewhat grumpy SWMBO, who was a bit stressed after a full day of wrangling the very energetic SWMBO Jr. After all was said and done, I hung the new strop on the wall and did 30 passes on the fabric followed by 50 on the leather before laying the steel to rest on the razor stand.

    The Verdict
    A bit of a tough one. The new razor shaves amazingly, but that spikey point is a biter. I'll need to be more respectful of that on my next shave with that razor. I had no burn except for a small amount on the neck, but the shave was quite smooth for a two-pass shave with touch-ups. I was very happy with the new razor, which is a good thing considering how bloody expensive it is! I still need more practice lathering with my new brush and I think, once I master this new addition to my lineup, it will be a very luxurious performer. Of course, I also have a couple of other new brushes inbound, so we'll see how the whole lineup comes together when that happens.

    On a day of coming together, meet-ups and a shaving lesson for my daughter, it was an eventful stretch of The Straight Road.

    I will try to post photos of my "shave" along with posts, so people can see what I'm using. After all, stories with pictures are more fun, right? I am excited to get better acquainted with my new SRD strop, which is a phenomenal piece of gear. I am thoroughly impressed by the quality and I can see why they get such rave reviews. I look forward to many years of good use.

    Thanks for reading.


    Last edited by jdto; 10-24-2011 at 02:52 AM.
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  2. #42
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    a 2 pass shave without razor burn is pretty good for where your at right now, if you can get that consistently you'll be laughing as well as being interviewed at the same time of shaving! That brush just sounds like it needs to be broken in. If you practice lathering with it just for fun without shaving that'll break it in quick. took about 6 or 7 latherings before my omega brush really started performing and softening up, and you can practice your lathering technique.

    kind regards
    Last edited by justalex; 10-23-2011 at 08:30 AM.

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  4. #43
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    hahaha awesome, you have the same mindset that i do hahah

  5. #44
    Junior Member rinwaln's Avatar
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    I have to say how thoroughly I've been enjoying your thread I just started earlier this year myself and love seeing the similar struggles and different struggles we have each faced. Keep up the great work you have at least convinced me to give the T&H sampler a try.

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  7. #45
    Nix is offline
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    I'm stil trying to figure out the lather process. Some days it's great, some days it is breaking down as a I brush it on. I, like you, am learning the process. I think pre-shave oils/creams are right out for me though.

    One of my mistakes, one that I keep making again and again, is that I don't keep the variables consistent as I could. I use a different combination of pre-shave prep, razor, brush, and soap/cream every shave. I would probably have done better to use one combination for a while to master technique and not wonder which of the various changes I made made a difference.

    Have to say that 2 of my 4 razors are square tipped, and I seem to do better with them. I think I focus on that point a bit more than the round tips.

    Happy shaving!
    markdfhr likes this.

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    jdto (10-24-2011)

  9. #46
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    The Straight Road - Part 13: The Italian Job
    It was a busy day around the apartment, with a lot of unpacking and tidying, as we slowly make our new apartment into a home. SWMBO was on the warpath today, so I was kept busy with many small tasks around the house. As the afternoon wound down, I was in desperate need of a shower and a shave as we were heading over to my mother's for a Sunday dinner and birthday celebration for SWMBO.

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    The Anticipation
    After getting my noob butt handed to me by my Le Canadien yesterday, I figured I'd go all the way back to my "roots" -- a whopping 12 shaves ago--and give my H&H a whirl for this round. It also dawned on me that I had not ever had a straight shave with my Proraso products, so I figured this would be a good time for it. I was a bit pressed for time, which usually should cause alarm bells to go off, but thankfully I managed to emerge mostly unscathed from my experience, beyond a few hearty sighs from SWMBO as I headed downstairs to the car.

    The Prep
    A hot shower, scrubbing down with some lovely RazoRock artisan soap from the Italian Barber. I opened a new bar today, which is the coconut flavour, and it is very nice. Not too strong, but it has a pleasant, subtle scent and lathered up well on my shower brush. The shower out of the way, I applied the Proraso Pre/Post cream and let the eucalyptus do its work while I gave the H&H a good workout on the strop. I went for 35 passes on the webbing and a further 50 on the leather. I am immensely pleased with my new strop, which seems to make stropping easier as the width allows me to go back and forth quickly and easily, without needing an x-stroke. While most people suggest noobs go for a cheap strop they will hack up, I might venture to suggest getting something nice and wide like a latigo or a Premium IV from SRD or, in Canada, Fendrihan (which is where I ordered my latigo). Despite being more of an investment, I find I can strop twice as fast and with more confidence on this one than on my Poor Man's, which is now destined to be converted into a paddle strop for travel. Anyway, back to the prep. I finished the blade and turned back to my steaming scuttle, grabbing the Frank Shaving 28mm Silvertip, it was time for my first warm Proraso lather.

    The Lather
    Proraso is a joy to lather. It's thick and creamy and lathers up very easily. I went for a well-lubricated lather today and it felt great. The pre/post had already worked its cooling magic on my face and the further eucalyptus feel of the Proraso soap lather was a perfect compliment. It was quite a contrast to have warm Proraso lather from my scuttle and then feel the cooling, menthol effect. I had more than enough for two passes and touch-ups, which is all I needed today.

    The Shave
    This razor is nice and smooth. I got a really nice shave from this, combined with the Proraso. Definitely a good "day-after" combination, coming from my T&H and the Le Canadien. I had an easy time of it on the WTG pass, with cushiony lather that lasted the whole time, none of it drying on my face. The razor is very easy to handle, especially since the honourable Maxi did me the enormous favour of tightening the scales at our meet-up. I had no nicks, no burn and no trouble. The ATG pass was also a breeze, though I didn't take enough time to finish off completely, as SWMBO was constantly bugging me to hurry up. As a result of this pressure, my final touch-ups were a bit less than perfect, leaving me with a bit of patchiness under the chin and right jawline.

    The Post
    I rinsed up with lukewarm water and applied the alum. Then I dried off the razor, set it aside and applied some Proraso Dopobarba. That stuff stings! I hadn't used an aftershave with alcohol in a while and you can definitely feel it. Still, it was a nice sting and I enjoy the clean scent of Proraso, so I'm not complaining. I followed the splash with some more Pre/Post Cream, then finished tidying the sink area, drying the scuttle thoroughly and taking up the steel. I passed some toilet paper between the scales to ensure no stray drops of water could conspire to rust this admirable shaver, then I took it to the Premium IV, giving it 30 on the web and 50 on the leather. Then it was out the door in a mad rush to get to dinner.

    The Verdict
    Very nice shave. I was pleased with the whole process, from the prep through to the cleanup. The razor performed very well, as did the products I used throughout the shave. I was left with no razor burn to speak of, though that may have been due to the cooling effects of the Proraso. Either way, I didn't feel any burn, right?

    As I headed out, I got to thinking about how funny this whole straight shaving thing is. One day, I shave with a razor that is in the $300 range, the next day with one for which I paid $25, shipped. The shaving products present the same juxtaposition. The Proraso trio I used probably cost as much as a single tub of the T&H I had used the previous day, but they gave me a great experience. This is not to say that my Le Canadien isn't a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, because it is and I am enthralled by it every time I hold it in my hands. My point is, sometimes the uglier razors can give you exactly what you need, which is a smooth, easy shave, regardless of how much coin you lay down.

    And hey, we can all appreciate smooth and easy on The Straight Road, right?
    After a great day like today, I am about ready for bed. I am probably, against all sane advice, going to pick up some hones in the next little while. I have also found a couple of restore jobs on ebay which I will be having a crack at in the near future. I might have to branch this out from shaving descriptions and also include my trials and tribulations on the stones and with the restorations. I look forward to it!

    Thanks for reading!


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  10. #47
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nix View Post
    I'm stil trying to figure out the lather process. Some days it's great, some days it is breaking down as a I brush it on. I, like you, am learning the process. I think pre-shave oils/creams are right out for me though.

    One of my mistakes, one that I keep making again and again, is that I don't keep the variables consistent as I could. I use a different combination of pre-shave prep, razor, brush, and soap/cream every shave. I would probably have done better to use one combination for a while to master technique and not wonder which of the various changes I made made a difference.

    Have to say that 2 of my 4 razors are square tipped, and I seem to do better with them. I think I focus on that point a bit more than the round tips.

    Happy shaving!
    Yeah, the square tip certainly made me sit up and take notice. I will be very respectful of it on the next shave. I agree with what you're saying about the variables, but trying the products out is half the fun
    JoeSomebody and markdfhr like this.

  11. #48
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    The Straight Road - Part 14: Monday, Monday
    That was a rough day! I couldn't get to sleep on Sunday night, tossing and turning until well past 3:00 AM, which meant a very grumpy Jack had to drag his butt into the office today for a very busy Monday. Preparation for a big event on the near horizon means I have to be on my toes, but all I could think about was the end of the day and getting home to relax. To cheer myself up, I figured I'd better hit Shopper's Drug Mart to pick up some Proraso Anti-Irritation Pre-Shave Cream and some of the soap, as well, for good measure.

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    The Anticipation
    With new stuff to try out, I finally had something to look forward to, other than being a vegetable on my couch at the end of the day. I have read good things about the Proraso "White" line, so I had been itching to try it. I have been very pleased with the "green" Proraso lineup, so if the white could even come close, I would be a happy camper. Also, with cold weather coming, the aloe and moisturizing of the white Proraso might be useful. With that in mind, I headed into the bathroom for my evening shave.

    The Prep
    I moistened a facecloth and rolled it up before returning to the kitchen to pop it in the microwave for 60 seconds. While I nuked the towel, I had the kettle going with water for my Robert Becker #9 scuttle. Taking the towel out, it was too hot to put on my face for a good 20 seconds or so. After that, I sat back in a chair and let it do its work. After a couple of minutes, I headed back to the microwave for round two of the towel, only 40 seconds this time, and took the time to fill my scuttle. With one hand on the scuttle and the other on the warm towel still on my face, I took everything back into the bathroom and dunked my brush in the soaking reservoir. Removing the towel, I splashed my face with hot water from the sink and then applied the Proraso Anti-Irritation Pre-shave cream. I laid out another towel for razor-wiping duty, then took the Vulfix 2234 out of the reservoir, grabbed the white tub of Proraso soap and went to work.

    The Lather
    It started out well, getting creamy and thick, but not very abundant. I think "Old Floppy", which is what I'm beginning to think Vulfix should have put on their logo instead of "Old Original", wasn't quite up to the job in the same way that my Frank Shaving monster was the day before. Still, I managed to get some nice creamy lather going, which I painted on warm and thick. You may have noted that, up until now, I haven't mentioned my SRD Premium IV strop, which is strange, you might think, considering how much I have talked it up in my previous posts. Well, you'd be right, because I hadn't stropped yet, an oversight which I decided to remedy after already applying the lather to my face. I went for 25 on the webbing, then 50 on the leather, which of course left me with lather that was starting to dry out before the first pass. I decided to go ahead and shave as, underneath the dry exterior, there was still good, creamy lather.

    The Shave
    My DOVO 6/8" in Desert Ironwood is a sweet razor. I really like the way it handles and the thumb notch is very comfortable. It feels nice and balanced in my hands and it really seems to glide right through the stubble on my face, a testament to the honing it was given by Jarrod at The Superior Shave, I suppose. The first pass, despite the drying lather, was quite smooth and comfortable, with no scraping or tugging anywhere. I have noticed that this razor is quite loud when shaving, I imagine because of the hollow ground. You can really hear it going through those whiskers as it glides across your skin. The second, ATG pass was also fairly smooth. I had to refresh the lather with a bit more soap from the dish, plus some more water, but in the end I got smooth and cushiony, which is what I wanted. Even the touch-ups were fairly easy, the tricky chin area succumbing to the smooth Proraso lather and the keen DOVO edge.

    The Post
    I hit my face with lukewarm water first, then applied the alum block. I let that sit for a moment while I dried off the counter area, then splashed on the cold water. After that, I applied the Proraso Dopobarba (the "green" one as I haven't found the white balm yet--I foresee an online order in my near future). After the splash, I rinsed my hands, dried them and took up the steel, stropping for 30 passes on the webbing and a further 60 on the leather, which is getting a bit shiny. I dried between the scales, made sure there were no stray drops of water on the blade, then laid the razor on its stand to rest. After that I applied the Proraso Anti-Irritation cream again, then rinsed out and dried the scuttle, cleaned up Old Floppy and put them both away in their respective places. I am beginning to run out of space for all this stuff, so I think I am going to have to begin to construct some sort of den...

    All said and done, I headed out to serve myself a double of Woodford Reserve Distiller's Select with one ice cube, relax and enjoy my current favourite pastime, which is browsing SRP .

    The Verdict
    The shave was decent, though not my best work. I ended up with a slight bit of burn under the left jawline and a small rough patch under the right, which I think could have been fixed with a bit better stretching on that side. Still, I am pleased with how things turned out overall, with the new addition to my shaving lineup putting in a very solid performance on the lather and post-shave comfort front. Proraso really does make some fine shaving products! I'll have to remember to strop before lathering next time, so I don't run into drying issues, but I was still pleased with the scent and the performance, which isn't bad for a drug store cream and soap. I also got the seal of approval from SWMBO on the scent, which is always a nice little plus.

    All in all, not a bad way to end a tough Monday on The Straight Road.

    I am looking forward to the arrival of a couple of new additions to my "den" in the near future. I really am going to have to get organized in my small bathroom in order to fit all of my gear. I think I have SGAD right now (Shaving Gear Acquisition Disorder) which hasn't settled on one AD in particular, but rather is a little bit of everything. Anyway, I'll be sure to share more photos and stories of my noob adventures.

    Thanks for reading!


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  12. #49
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    What a beautiful chronicle ...Love the details, especially the anticipation. I, personally am not a big Proraso fan, mainly because of the ingredient list (too much junk for my taste). have you tried RazoRock's Classic (I think)? It's supposed to be on par or equal to Proraso green, except with better ingredients.

    Love that Dovo too . Congrats on a beautiful shave today (and everyday)


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  14. #50
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    What a beautiful chronicle ...Love the details, especially the anticipation. I, personally am not a big Proraso fan, mainly because of the ingredient list (too much junk for my taste). have you tried RazoRock's Classic (I think)? It's supposed to be on par or equal to Proraso green, except with better ingredients.

    Love that Dovo too . Congrats on a beautiful shave today (and everyday)

    Thanks. I have found this experience thoroughly enjoyable so far and sharing it is fun. If the RazoRock (the Artisan one, right?) is as good as Proraso with less crap in it, then I'll definitely add it to my list of things to try. Thanks for the tip...and for adding to my shopping list...I think.
    Last edited by jdto; 10-25-2011 at 12:57 AM.

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