Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
Shave Faster I am only sorta joking, as you get faster this won't be an issue, assuming you are making the lather like Lynn told ya, until you do try lathering 1/2 the face at a time or re-lathering as you get to the second half...
IMHO, lathering the entire face is good as it continues to hydrate and soften the whiskers. However, if you allow the lather to dry, the soap begins to act as a drying agent. When I have lather that starts to get dry, I wet my hand with hot water and rub the dry lather to work it into the whiskers. Then I reapply some fresh lather. Putting fresh lather on top of lather that has dried leads to a drag or blade skipping.

Lather is cheap - keep the skin and whiskers hydrated.