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Thread: why so many people get into honing!

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well obviously you fellas don't know about that kinky online site with shavers in all kinds of suggestive shaving positions and states of undress eh? Just so you know what happens when your partner takes that digital image of you shaving.

    I think you would find back in the day most folks honed their own razors and if they didn't expert razor honing was very easy to find and very cheap.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I hone my own because I like my own edges best. I won't say that I am the best honer out there but I have had too many so called shave-ready razors in my hands that were not shave ready by my standards. I really like my razors to pass the hanging hair test before they touch my face. Too many so-called honemeisters or wannabe honemiesters claim a razor can be shave-ready even if it does not pass the hanging hairtest. IMHO that is a load of BS
    jerrybyers likes this.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Str8nSharp's Avatar
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    I'm picking up a 3 line swaty in a few weeks from a friend who doesn't use it. I want to be able to maintain my razors without having to send them out, which can get expensive if you have more than 1-2 razors. Eventually I'd like to get a combo stone and learn how to produce an edge from butter knife dull to razor sharp, as it's a good skill to have IMO. The maintenance is part of what got me hooked on straights in the first place. I don't plan to go to any group therapy sessions on honing, as you can learn everything you need to online here.

  4. #14
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    self reliance and I got to a point where I was curious and fed up of not honing, and like yourself, why everyone else was doing it and I wasn't... passive peer pressure essentially

    Shaving is an individual art and something that I felt I wanted complete control over my shave which means honing your own razors and getting them to where you want them to be... on yer face, razor sharp

    and we don't talk about those members who are into that kind of honing... strictly fully clothed razor honing, thank you very much

  5. #15
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Honing my own razors was also a no brainer for me as I was already insane about sharpening my own kitchen knives, when you have 75+ kitchen knives you don't drop them off somewhere that charges by the inch I found my understanding of edge geometry really helped my learning curve for honing razors. And in return my kitchen knives got sharper for my understanding of razor honing lol

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