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Thread: Thank you all. From the newb

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Thank you all. From the newb

    Well, like many of the great people on this site I decided to straight razor shave. There were many reasons that I decided to try but the main reason was the expensive cost of disposable heads. after listening to the horror stories from friends, my father, and my grandfather I decided to try it anyways. When someone tells me something cannot be done, that only pushes me harder to try. I ordered a beginners kit and brush from whipped dog and waited anxiously for two weeks for everything to arrive safely across the border. When I received it I was like a kid on Christmas day. I ran upstairs, unpacked the envelope and started to lather.

    shave one went well and only cut myself once rite under my nose. that taught me to really pay attention to my angles. I only went with the grain for this shave as I was still leery. The shave was good and I would compare it to my electric 3 head Remington shave

    Shave two went even better. There were only a couple nicks and it was comparable to my Mach3

    Shave three I decided to go against the grain on the second pass. Well when I leaned into the mirror I forgot to move my hand with my face and gave myself a pretty good cut on my right jaw bone. I got out the styptic and which hazel and all is well

    Tonight will be shave four since Friday and I hope it goes just as smooth. I just wanted to say thank you to all for the great information on here. It has helped me immensely before begging and now I have a few friends thinking about learning.
    markdfhr likes this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Servant4Christ's Avatar
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    Congrats on taking the first step! It will get better as you go! Just remember to take your time and keep your eye on the blade (not literally)!

    Heard some horror stories, eh? A nick here or there? Must not have been too bad..... ;-)

    Welcome to SRP!


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