I did a short stop by this shop a few months ago. I looked shabby enough that they didn't bother trying to sell me much.

I did get the feeling that all of Trumper, Taylor and Truefitt & Hill do their best to unload as much as possible on their hapless customers. Didn't feel that their goal was to enlighten and help the customer. And the prices at the stores weren't cheaper than when you purchase over the internet.

At Truefitt I was told that the people at Trumper had fooled me when they told me they were out of stones (hones) since _nobody_ used that for razors. You used strops. And by the way, I didn't want a straight, I wanted a special handle for the mach3... and I should come back in a few years when I had money to spend on their stuff.

Next time I visit I'm going to dress up a bit, maybe they'll treat me better then. Looking like a poor ragged student isn't always the best way to get good service.