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    Default When and When Not to Strop?

    A new straight shaver here for about the past month or more. So I, of course, have several questions.

    I have been rotating two new TI's and a DOVO, all full hollow ground and carbon steel. They were honed by Lynn (I haven't used the fourth yet, waiting for my baptism in the honing arena with this one as a standard) and have done wonderfully.

    I understand the importance of stropping before a shave, but what about after? Is it better to wait 48 or so hrs. after a shave with such a delicate edge before stropping again due to the metal's "memory" causing the deformed microserrations to realign? I've read where these serrations would be like a burr right after a shave and break off into the strop (Arthur Boon paper, I believe.)

    Also, how is witch hazel effective after a shave? Is it worth it? I should put in a big plug here for the "Sue" soap. Actually both "Sues" it turns out. Both have been giving me rich thick lathers that smell good!

    My only problem now in terms of close shaves consists of my upper lip area (no wonder moustaches are popular). Generally I'm finding that the 7/8 is my size of blade over the 5/8 for all other areas. I'm thinking that I should try to now find a small (3/8) and possibly 1/4 hollow ground blade for this area. My goal is to be able to feel no stubble after my shave anywhere, and this is the one area that I'm failing. Any experience on this from others?

  2. #2
    Senior Member ToxIk's Avatar
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    Whether or not to strop after a shave is a debated topic, but, there doesn't seem to be any drastic effects either way. I personally strop for 10 or so laps after I shave, not neccessarily to realign the edge, but just to get any crap off that might be stuck on it. I believe Lynn strops after shaves as well, and he reports not adverse effects.

    The moustache area, that's a tough one. I'm still working on it myself. I can manage to get it really nice and smooth, but that requires an against grain pass, which, is probably the most difficult part of my face to do.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think witchhazel is great stuff. it sooths and has anti-bacterial properties and I always use it. Just don't get the store branded stuff its mostly water and or alcohol. At least get the dickinsons and the thayers is really great stuff.

    As to stropping personally I strop 60x before shaving and never after. I did an experiment awhile back which you can read about in the help files and it was in the stropping area under the grand experiment. I found no difference in before and after stropping but hey its all about finding your own way in this thing.

    I can't help you with the moustache area as I have a full moustache.
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  4. #4
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I've tried both systems and in all honesty the only difference was the extra work. You can easily skip the aftershave stropping.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToxIk

    The moustache area, that's a tough one. I'm still working on it myself. I can manage to get it really nice and smooth, but that requires an against grain pass, which, is probably the most difficult part of my face to do.
    Exactly! Problem is, against the grain for me requires forward pressure here. One slip and I have have a major cut under my nose. I'm sorta getting good at "clocking" the blade through this area. Does pretty good except for directly under the nose.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    I think witchhazel is great stuff.

    I can't help you with the moustache area as I have a full moustache.
    This may be a stupid question, but does the witchhazel replace aftershave? Or should it be contained in it? I've read where people have used this after the shave but before the final cold water rinse. Then whatever aftershave lotion/balm etc. is applied. Truthfully, I never really heard of this before unless it is referring to an ingredient that should be in aftershave.

    You are cheating yourself out of the full shaving experience by having a moustache!

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I usually rinse my face off with cold water after finishing and then go over it with an alum block and then use the witchhazel. You can actually stop after that but many, myself included use an aftershave lotion or balm after that. Why? I don't know I guess I like the way it smells. Many after shave preps do include small amounts of witchhazel it kind of a universal ingredient.

    I've had a mustache since I've been 19 years old and now I'm 58 so I don't think I'm really cheating myself but if I were a real macho man I'd shave it off just so I could brag about doing the coupe de madre. But you know what I'm not even tempted so I guess I'm just a sissy man at heart.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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