Sounds like you're on the right track. Here's a couple of my own experiences:

Don't be afraid to 'section lather' for a while. I did for a little over a month before could shave my whole face before the lather dried. Some days I still can't.

Here's my biggest mistake: after a little over 6 weeks (shaving twice a week) I finally got to the point where I was getting comfortable with the razor and correct shaving angles and propper stropping technique. I still was getting a bit of pulling and burn though. It was only after I purchased a second razor (after nicking my first one against the faucet. Doh!) and shaved with a freshly honed edge that I realized how destroyed my first razors edge had been from my too steep of shaving angles starting out and my newbile stropping techniques. I highly recommend sending it back to Glen for a touchup after ten or 12 shaves. I found out early how easy it is to dull the blade with bad technique! Best of luck and enjoy the journey!