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Thread: Beginners Tips: January 2012

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Post Beginners Tips: January 2012

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    Hope everyone is having a fantastic 2012 so far

    This month I decided to write about what I call "The Perfect Storm" of beginner problems, I was going to go through and pick out several topics as I usually do but this past week I received an e-mail for honing services, and it was all too familiar...

    "I bought a new Dovo that they told me was shave ready and I just can't get this thing to shave can you check it first then hone it"

    So the razor gets to me over the long weekend and I have a little extra time to really check it and to exchange some e-mails with the owner...
    The razor was not honed other than at the factory it came sealed, he was told that they are shave ready from the factory..
    He tried stropping and had no luck getting it to do anything but pull and hurt.
    I first checked the razor on arm hair, it cut but not effortlessly, but I soldiered on went up to the shave den and prepped for a shave lathered up the right side of my face (the easy stroke) and tried just the "Shave Test" stroke, no good could barely get the razor to move..

    Stop: Hot towel, re-lather the same spot, Strop 50 linen 100 leather Illinois #827 repeat the "Shave Test" stroke, now we have cutting but a still a little rough, adjust to a scything action and achieved a shaving stroke

    Stop: Hot Towel, lather left side, 15 laps Dovo Red, 20 laps Dovo Black, 25 linen 50 leather, use scything action on left side and get an acceptable stroke...


    This is basically what I refer to as the "Perfect Storm" a beginner gets the razor, and with some dedicated stropping they might be able to smooth up the edge, -But- they don't really know how to do dedicated stropping, they barely know how to strop and not wreck the edge let alone actually improve a so-so edge..
    With a pasted strop the edge can be greatly improved, but a beginner probably doesn't have one, or know how to use one effectively, plus this must be done before the razor gets worse from improper stropping to start
    An experienced hand can actually shave a much less then desirable edge, heck some of us idiots test shaving at 1k levels just to learn more about honing. -But- we know what a scything stroke is and how to really use one. We also know how to use the angle of the razor to our maximum advantage..

    So many things can add together to make the first shave for a beginner pretty bad, if at all possible you want to try and eliminate as many as possible

    Learn how to prep and make lather, you don't even need to have a straight razor before you start learning this..
    Learn how to strop, heck you can learn much of this with a butter knife
    Make sure you start with a "Shave Ready" razor from a reliable source

    TAKE YOUR TIME, so many "First Shave" posts are exactly that, an entire shave, really if you just start with the cheeks, from the sideburn to the jawline, and then finish with your old style of razor, you will make this journey so much easier..
    Each day you shave, you slowly expand how much of the face, you shave with the straight razor, one section at a time, if a section gives you a problem, then repeat it the next day, and keep repeating it until you learn the tricks of that section... It should take a week or two to get through your entire face. If you learn by shaving one section at a time you also don't have to deal with the lather drying out because you shave slow as a beginner.

    I know it is hard to read about all the great shaves the old hands are getting but everyone of us struggled through the learning process, some of us before the advent of the internet, let alone SRP we took our time and learned the little tricks, and you are going to have to also. There is no shortcut, and those of you that have tough ole' grizzled beards are going to have a much harder time learning this then the young guy with a peach fuzz face Trust me on that part, I started when I was 22, and it was a pretty easy beard to cut back then, compared to the speckled greybeard now

    Hope that helps out a bit, and as always I encourage the Senior Members to add their opinions to this thread as we all see things differently and the more info for the new guys the better..

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    CraigC (01-14-2013), dzacca (12-16-2012), Haroldg48 (07-01-2013), Havachat45 (01-19-2012), islandshaver (10-31-2012), milehiscott (01-18-2012), morph1886 (12-29-2012), Rugbysh9 (01-18-2012), SirStropalot (01-18-2012), Substance (01-07-2015), tinkersd (07-23-2012)

  3. #2
    Member deadrift's Avatar
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    Thanks again Glen for the page of truths. The hardest of which I have learned is contained in a very short statement near the end; "There is no short cut,..." By the time I accepted this little bit of truth I would have been better off following all the advice rather than forging ahead all the time wondering why things didn't work for me immediately. I've read here before that it takes at least 100 shaves before things start to click. For me that number was closer to 200, and still learning. My only advice: lighten up and don't get cocky.

    that is all......

  4. #3
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    It's nice to see a Ebony/Silversteel up there in the pic. It's my first razor. I had my first painful and unsatisfying shaves with one just like that.


  5. #4
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjsorkin View Post
    It's nice to see a Ebony/Silversteel up there in the pic. It's my first razor. I had my first painful and unsatisfying shaves with one just like that.

    Lol It took me forever to use the Ebony Silversteel correctly! I was so spoiled by the 6/8's ease of plowing through everything in its path it was like going from driving a bus, to driving a corvette!

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I am mentioning this thread from last year at this same time as right after Christmas we have tons of New Guys With new razors that they recieved as "Shave Ready" that actually are not..

    This thread might save you some "Faceache"
    dustoff003 likes this.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    dustoff003 (12-28-2012)

  8. #6
    Manchester United for Life!
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    Luckily i got mine from SRD. Which should be truly shave ready. It would be really helpful if you experienced folks can create a list of websites that really sell shave ready razors and those who don't, from past experiences. It would help the newcomers at least have a reference, that... "if i bought it from here, it is shave ready".

    Still we may see tons of "is my razor shave ready?" threads, but may reduce some!

  9. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Hehehe That would be great wouldn't it

    Shave Ready it a relative term so somebody would have to judge that.. We went through a ton of thoughts on how to do that over the years and decided that the market and the membership would weed out the bad ones.. Which it has when it comes to this forum, many of the bad ones are no longer here

    The Classifieds "member services section" here and the Vendors Corner here are pretty safe bets as we want our reputation to stay stellar, other than that it is really a Buyer Beware situation..

    The biggest issue is that most find the razor THEN find SRP and that will never change

  10. #8
    Manchester United for Life!
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    Luckily for me i found SRP before my razor, and i got some sound advice from many including you!

    I can think about SR shaving now, it has always been on my "wish-list"! But when i was in India, tried many places, but could not find any place which sells SR's!
    gssixgun likes this.

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