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Thread: Wish I found this place sooner

  1. #21
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    Jan 2012
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    I have another noobie question for you guys. After I use my ClassicShaving Brand soap and get a nice lather I can never get a great grip on my face to pull the skin properly. I usually just start pulling where my sideburn hair starts and that gives me good pull for a portion of the sideburns. Then I do some facial maneuvering to get under the chin and around the jawbone (which is the most difficult spot for me to shave).

  2. #22
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    If I had it to do over again with a new strop, I would just try to break it in with use and palm rubbing rather than rushing to put dressings on it. Get an idea of it's qualities before changing them with additives.
    That being said, there are many opinions on this covering a wide range of practices. My mentor in this has a strop which has a lot of stuff added on to it over the years, and I'm aiming more toward that end of the spectrum for now.


  3. #23
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    I know the shaving angles are roughly 30 degrees (WTG) 15-20 degrees (ATG) and 5 degrees (XTG) My question is I can't seem to figure out the slicing or guillotine motions while shaving. is the motion supposed to start in the wrist or is it supposed to come from the hand/fingers. Every time I attempt to use a slicing motion I cut my face up real bad.

  4. #24
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    Okay so attached here are some pictures of more of my grandfathers collection along with stones, brushes and all of his safety razors. The stone with the sticker on it I am a little confused about and don't quite know what it is. There is also another razor I found which is absolutely huge I cannot emphasize this enough and the picture doesn't do it justice, you could use this thing for self defense.

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  5. #25
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Wow that's quite an array of brushes!

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