Hey guys,

I've been reading the wiki for ages and never checked the forum, I do have a few questions to throw out there which will be accompanied by pictures at a tomorrow but first a little story. My grandfather shaved with a straight razor every day until he passed. He left all of his straight razor supplies and razors (probably 8 different hones, 30 motly antique straight razors, 2 strops, and shaving soap) to my brother and myself. About 2 months ago I decided I would get into straight razor shaving and started to read extensively. I devoured the wiki page here and over at classicshaving.com. Well initially I looked like I had gotten into a knife fight but that stage has passed for the most part now I only knick myself bad if I get surprised in the bathroom which in a college apartment happens more than one would expect. I managed to become proficient at stropping without destroying any razors, or I think doing any major damage. Of the thirty razors my grandfather had I have been keeping a two razor rotation, one is a dubl duck which is phenomenal and the other I will have to check on the make I don't recall off the top of my head. Anyways down to the meat of my questions.

1. There appears to be black stuff on the blades of some of the straight razors it doesn't really rise to the surface I can't scratch it off with my fingernail and have been told I should use steel wool but I am a little nervous about doing this.

2. I have a hone that directs the user to first use one side then finish with the other side of the hone, is this a barbers hone? (will post pictures tomorrow)

3. When I shave with a straight razor for some reason immediately after the shave (before my skin has dried) the hair feels like its still there, but then after I apply aftershave and dry the area it feels significantly smoother does anyone know why? Also how do I keep it getting closer I seem to have hit a wall where I can shave Very close and get areas or even 95% of my face to be bbs (babies butt smooth) but am having a lot of trouble with that last 5% any tips?

3a. For comparisons sake I recently shaved with a gillete mach 5 and used can goo (which I absolutely don't do when I use a straight razor) and found that shave to be much closer all around then with my straight razor although this could be because the gillette is idiot proof whereas a straight razor I have found to be not.

4. I recently bought an additional strop is it worth it to invest in the Dovo line of leather conditioning strop paste (i believe its yellow the one absolutely not meant for sharpening but for leather conditioning) or should I buy a generic made by classicshaving or SRD?

That's all I can think of for now but might post more later thanks for all the help guys!
