Originally Posted by
Might we channel Utopian here? 'Just to have someone weigh in on the side of not rinsing the brush? (gasp) Then ask him how long a puck of soap lasts.
I sold my first & last badger, so I'm all boar. I have a couple Semogues (love them) a gaggle of vintage w/ original knots, and one beater that I let dry full of soap on top of the puck. I've noticed no difference except in appearance of the brush when the soap dries on it. Its not pretty and fluffy. With all that soap still in the brush, only a few swirls on the puck are ever needed to have a fully loaded brush, ready for face-lathering. (gasp from the crowd. Eeooooohh, from the vendors)
Thank you, (again) Utopian for a good bit of advice.