Sarcasm will get you no where on this site. If you read some of the threads on here, it can take up to a year or more, before you begin to see results in saving money by switching to a striaght razor. Sure, it's going to take money to first get started and find your nich in the straight razor shaving world. It's taken me almost 8 months, and a few hundred dollars, but I finally found mine. I have my razors (two Dovo's and one Boker), a strop from straight razor designs and a Norton 4/8 wetstone. I've found the shave cream, shave soap and post shave cream that works for me now, expreimenting is over now. So, now that everything is worked out, I won't be spending between $30.00 and $60.00 dollars for a few safety razors, the straight's will outlast me. Besides, now I turned a chore into an art. I really look forward to shaving now and enjoy the straight. It takes time, but you will begin to see a turnaround in what you spend on safety razors.