Quote Originally Posted by Vova View Post
I think skin is not all the same (well obviously). I can only imagine some people are different and nick much easier which would be a speed bump in getting started.
Good point.

Did my 4th shave today, best one yet. Only 1 WTG and 1 XTG this time. Still no nicks or cuts. I don't think I'll cut myself actually shaving, it'll likely happen when positioning the blade for a stroke. Had a couple of times where if I was bit sloppier I would have nicked myself. I moisturize really well daily, not just when shaving. I have psoriasis and have always had dry skin. I think the moiaturizing helps to avoid cuts, I read somewhere it makes the skin more supple.

I'll NEVER go back to a cartridge. I'll still have one around for shaving other areas I wouldn't go near with a straight and don't feel the need to be BBS smooth anyway so won't risk a DE but that thing will never touch my face again. I can't get over the lack of tugging I was used to for so long. 25 years of pulling hairs has ended. I laugh when I see the commercials and see the blades pulling the hairs out first and then cutting and think to myself how did anyone ever think this was a good idea?

Still waiting on the Dovo...